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AQ3D GDC Promo Code Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. GhostXero

    GhostXero Ogre Newling

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    After playing AQ3D for some time now, I can make a decent review about it. It definitely has that old mmorpg grinding feel to the original game and bossing is a lot of fun when you have friends to do it with. However, there are still several issues which I believe to need to be addressed which are the instances where one is placed in, the loot for common items are not as prevalent, and the whispering system isn't functional as of yet. Despite those set backs, the game is still fun and engaging but I can say that the grind is surreal here.
  2. cthulhu999

    cthulhu999 BamBam

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    Hello. I'm new to the game and this forum and I'm not really sure why everyone wants this code so badly but I love this game and thought I'd give it a shot. I used to play the original AQ when it first came out on my old dial up windows 2000 and plan to keep playing this one since I'm able to play on mobile. The grind is real but that's what makes it so rewarding. It reminds me of world of warcraft/runescape and it's awesome. I have many questions and hopefully this forum can help me out. I'm excited to see how far this game will go! Thanks for the opportunity to learn more and for your time Master Ogre.
  3. AissarRyle

    AissarRyle Ogre Newling

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    Honestly, it's not per se the best MMO right now, but it is pretty good. You'll find yourself seeing the familiar faces of those you've seen in the other Artix games and overall it is quite enjoyable. At the same time...it does need a bit of work. Compared to some other companies though, Artix is quite trustworthy when it comes to making their games improved over time. I honestly trust them and I have no doubt they'll be able to make this even better with time
  4. Velixon

    Velixon BamBam

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    Adventure Quest 3D is a fun interactive multiplayer game that has lots of great updates and development and has lots of fun classes to use currently (Warrior,Mage,Rogue,Guardian). Adventure quest 3D is a great game for me since it focuses on lots of new quests events and items. Adventure Quest 3D allows me to play on different devices mobile,tablet, and PC it is very easy to play and fun.
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Codes sent for reviews via PM:).

    As you might expect, the longer the review the better. It also should be in your own words.

    Anybody mentioning that their post was deleted in their review, will have that post deleted as well. Please just talk about the game:).
    e180391 and Velixon like this.
  6. Ludos Domitorem

    Ludos Domitorem Ogre Newling

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    Adventure quest 3d is so exciting and new it has so many possibilities that i'm waiting patiently to see . But it also old and refreshing; It brings me back to all the old flash games i use to play. And i can't wait to see how far this goes. I'm going to be sure to stand behind it and see where it goes. And try and collect all the items and all the classes i can. Then hope they put guilds in and make a huge guild. :D Also may i pwease have code for weapons?
    Nasher likes this.
  7. Gleams

    Gleams Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D is a Fun Game with lots of Friendly Players and big community who always active anywhere in any map .. since i played this game for 5 -6 days its pretty fun for my Part ..
    its pretty recommendable to new players who want to play this game .. its easy and understandable .. i mean easy to level up and craft items if you read the guides... and you can play it by using your mobile or pc ... ^^ ..

    Game Crafting is pretty fast but you need time and golds and a little advice farm gold before you craft items and always do it when your level 1 below the item that you want :D :D
    Nasher likes this.

    JTPFTW Ogre Newling

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    I am an AQ3D Veteran that's been playing this game since it was in it's tech Demo testing phase.

    Why do I like the game? (review)

    AQ3D is a free to play MMORPG that is cross platform, has an amazing community. Regular updates are pushed out every fortnight or so to keep the game fresh for Newbies and Veteran players alike.

    The game features tough and challenging quests with Funny NPCs and quest puns every now and then.
    There are challenging dungeons with seasonal events too that also has Unique monsters and bosses in Ever expanding and stunning areas.

    The best part of this game is that it's cross platform(PC and Mobile) and allows me to play it and seamlessly transition to other devices when I'm away from home/travelling without losing any progress as it has Cloud saving features.
    This makes it easy to play AQ3D on-the-go fuss free without any hassle.

    The developers of this game also keep their promises, they've fulfilled pretty much most of the Kickstarter rewards and am working on the remaining ones with good progress. They also publish roadmaps/design notes weekly to keep the Players up to date on their progress with what they're currently working on/up to.

    Overall, this game is great for both Casual and Hardcore MMO players. I highly recommend it to anyone who love MMOs.

    Nasher and jwyer.mb like this.
  9. Wilder94

    Wilder94 Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

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    Keep in mind new rules apply.
    e180391 likes this.
  10. Nasher

    Nasher Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D has very nice graphics and allows for personalization in appearance of characters. The quests are easy enough to complete in one evening with some work and occasional assistance from a friend. I like the skills chosen for the classes and that there is not 20 different attacks to choose from like some MMORPGs. The community in AQ3D is supportive and helpful, frequently giving advice to newcomers. I like that it is not pay to play as that gets annoying and causes casual gamers to get frustrated.

    Things I would like to see in the future includes being able to zoom your character in and out on the iPhone. Lighting can also be an issue in some dungeons. I like the guardian quest line and hope that in the future they develop similar quest paths for the other classes. I would like to drag items onto a toolbar for use such as potions and scrolls.
  11. Dragozzz

    Dragozzz Ogre Newling

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    Overall AQW3D is a fun and challenging game that require teamwork inorder to complete quest fast and rekt the bosses.

    Furthermore,the character customization allows each players to be unique and stand out among the others playing

    The gears were designed melticulously that every detail looks cool(especially katana of the soul reaver <3)

    The controls are very basic just like any other games on mobile

    One of the few games that is able to keep me playing for so long

    Have been playing dragonfable and AQ and AQW and Now AQW3D

    From 2D to 3D games, sure have come a long way
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2017
  12. greatgod1998

    greatgod1998 Ogre Newling

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    Hello! Thank you for this opportunity to grab a code.

    Here's my review.

    Adventure Quest 3D is Artix Entertainment's first step into the 3D game scene. Aimed for cross platform gaming, the team at Artix Entertainment did an excellent job creating a beautiful world to explore and slay monsters in, with the goal of updating the game weekly. However, that comes with its own pitfalls. They have a small team of developers working tirelessly to create new content, which could potentially take up to a couple of months to create new zones and quests. Recently, they've re hauled their entire quest system; it allowed them to streamline the quests with the hopes to make it more enjoyable for us players.

    Leveling up and questing can be an adventure in itself. Leveling up is largely dependent on questing in AQ3D. Completing a quest may not seem to give much experience to the player, but they're generally short and in abundance in each area so they eventually add up to grant you your next level. They are mostly comprised of kill/fetch quests, and they may feel tedious, but they never feel difficult to complete.

    An upcoming element to AQ3D is cosmetic equipment. A lot of players are hyped for this feature, myself included. Adventure Quest Worlds introduced a separation between armors and classes, alongside enchantment which changed the stats of your items to allow you to have the look you want, with the stats you desire. In AQ3D, your item will have its own stats, keeping each item unique, and have the appearance of another item just for aesthetic purposes.

    One more thing I feel I should mention are the bugs. Every so often, I encounter game breaking bugs. It's a rare occurrence, but there are some hiccups. Events especially have been prone to being buggy; characters falling through the ground (Halloween,) monster animations not working on mobile devices (Halloween,) a certain portal sometimes not working properly (Christmas.)

    Adventure Quest 3D is definitely a game that comes with both positives and negatives, which is unsurprising for Artix Entertainments first 3D game. However, it is definitely a fun game to play. I bug all my friends to play it; even though they're always caught up in different games, I really enjoy AQ3D.
  13. Sophawn

    Sophawn Ogre Newling

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    Huge fan of MMO games in particular so when I heard about this one I immediately had to check it out. At first, I wasn't sure I was going to like the art style but it has really grown on me. Also the humor makes me chuckle as well. It is obvious that the devs don't want to take things too serious but they are still very dedicated. I have been slowly playing through and trying to take and complete every quest I can. I love the fact that you can basically craft new items to make yourself better. The ability to change classes on the fly was also a very welcome addition. My hope is in the future to see some expanded skill trees and customization so there can be truly unique classes in the game. I am excited to see what the future will hold for AQ3d because this game has some huge potential. Can't wait for some PvP to come too.

    Overall I would give it a solid 8.5 / 10 and I'm sure that will go up as more content comes along. Cross Platform is a HUGE plus too!! No worries of which device your friends have. We are all together!
    Nasher likes this.
  14. ellom8s

    ellom8s Brute New Ogre

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    I love AQ3D because it has a classic RPG feel, right from the beginning. It is also is a true cross-platform game, which is awesome. There are quite a few bugs, and the graphics are not the best but AE more than makes up for it with their original humour. The grind may be a bit much for some players, but in the end it is well worth it. The community is very friendly, and I have never seen any serious trolls in game. I really like looking for the ultra rare drops from monsters and chests, it makes the game much more interesting after finishing quests and levelling up. Even though the game is still relatively new, it is really great right now and I look forward to seeing all the updates the AE team have planned.

    If it's not too late, I would love to have a GDC Blade code. Thanks Gameogre!
    Nasher likes this.
  15. Zaltrhiz

    Zaltrhiz Ogre Newling

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    My Review of Adventure Quest 3D is That I enjoy the Textures of the Scenery and Character and NPC also the Morph such as the Red Dragon Hatchling Morph and Armored Red Dragon Hatchling Morph - The animation for the Morphs is very nice , also I enjoyed going to highest places in the many areas of Adventure Quest 3D to look around and see the entire area of Adventure Quest 3D , Also standing on the top of the Frogzard Fountain in Battleon in full equipment and also in the Red Dragon Hatchling Morph and Armored Red Dragon Hatchling Morph - also the Animation of the Skills is quite nice.
    Nasher likes this.
  16. VipAres

    VipAres Ogre Newling

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    My reviews AQ3D is just this. It's very addicting, always looking for new updates, storylines are great, love how I can choose multiple class with one character, love seasonal quest and items, farming always gives you something eventually, animations in this game is very simple and clear, this game doesn't lag, it requires minimal skills to play this game, objective of this game is very simple and clear, love how their are collectible items like rares, mount in this game is pretty cute like red dragon, its cool how you can craft multiple items, dungeon in this game is very simple and fun, mage is good for kitting the boss, warrior is good for killing multiple mobs, rouge focuses on single target, guardian can tank a bit, I like how there are secret quest and items you can farm and craft, love the theme when questing and farming, this game always gives challenges and accomplishments, this game always will have objective to clear or achieve something. These are the reasons why AQ3D is addictive game and can't wait for next update and future updates. Also, new cosmetic slots and party system will make this game way more fun and interesting.
  17. Obese

    Obese Ogre Newling

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    Imagine your friends are online, battling the newest boss monster in the ever expanding world of AQ3D... now, imagine that you can login and join them from any device, anywhere, AQ3D has that and it's unique I've not seen it in any other game and that's what I love about them they can come up with the best ideas on spot.

    I've been playing this game for a few months now and I have to say its very addictive and fun to play from bossing, farming, and just hanging out with people. I can't wait until they release another update I couldn't ask for a better game they truly know what they're doing.
  18. notreallysam

    notreallysam Ogre Newling

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    I am pretty new to AQ3D but I have experience playing AQW and DragonFable. I love the universe Artix Entertainment has created and it looks great seeing it in 3D. The design of the enemies and allies are great, simple but memorable. I really like the game play and how you have to be prepared for a battle. Another thing I really like is cross platform, being able to log off steam and then go pick up in the same place on my phone. One improvement is the amount of content, there is not tons but I understand the game hasn't been out that long so I am excited to see what's to come!
  19. Jonoco17

    Jonoco17 Ogre Newling

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    Hey my name is Logan I've been playing AQ3D for awhile now about a year and I really like this game I'm level 12 and could really use some new gear for my character so I would really appreciate if u gave me the code I know there's other peps that could use it but it could be amazing if I got that code thx Your awesome btw ogreman thank you so much

    Hello pregnant my AQ3D name is kinkyboi.this game is amazing to me I love it it is one of my favorite games now and I've been playing these types of games since 2011 for example you know adventure quest worlds that's one that I've played for awhile and that's what got me attention to AQ3D my real name is Logan and I would really appreciate it if I got one of these codes u would be a life changer to me if u did this I'm level 12 now and don't really have the best gear for level 12 and need some new gear you would do me a huge and I mean huge favor if you gave me a code so mabey you can consider giving me one of these codes thank you and have a nice day
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2017
  20. Kristy_98

    Kristy_98 Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D is a true cross platform game. Its nice to have the option of playing it on a phone when on the go, or on a pc at home. It is an RPG game with humorous dialog and exciting maps to explore. The graphics are decent for a cross platform game but suit the nature of the game nicely. I like that you can customize your character but, it would be nice to add smaller details like eye colour in the future.

    I like that its free to play so it allows the casual gammer to enjoy it. However, there is a lot of grinding involved which I do enjoy though other players may not. Also, it would be nice to see an auto pick-up function to allow for maximum efficiency when grinding dungeons. Another feature that would be nice is the option to save a few armour sets (like 3). I like to switch from an offensive set to a defensive set depending on the dungeon so, it would be nice to not have to scroll through my items list every time. It would also be nice to organize your backpack.

    I enjoy playing games where you need to grind for levels and items. It feels rewarding once you've maxed the level cap or obtained a 1% drop. So, i find myself coming back to reach those level caps, collect items and play through new quest lines.

    Overall, AQ3D is a solid cross platform game with potential. It is still in its beta phase so. I'm excited to see what else they can add to the game given the limitations of a phone.
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