Well they are pretty even when it comes to stats. In total Ornate Nightlocke Scytheblade gives 545 points in stats and Crimson Staff of the Abyss gives 544 points in stats. It is pretty much depending on the fact what stats you want to have. Do you want more attack and haste -> go for Ornate Nightlocke Scytheblade or do you want more health and crit -> go for Crimson Staff of the Abyss. I mean go for either one because they are pretty even.
I still not sure how haste works at all but i try to choose items with better haste as attacking more frequently may end up being better for bosses.
Well haste as a stat works a follows: reduces GCD (Global Cooldown) which makes abilities come off cooldown faster and you can use them more often and haste also reduces casting speed for example makes fireball faster (skills that makes you unable to move while casting it are affected by haste). Your decision to have items with good haste isn't a bad idea at all but Ornate Nightlocke Scytheblade and Crimson Staff of the Abyss have just 13 haste difference and as such the change is not really noticeable at all.
I think thats not fair because the difference of the effort taken. In this case, there's almost no worth to farmed the staff again. Void waiting hall would be useless~
The staff of abyss was not that hard when it was first introduced, as people at lv 17 at the time had a lot of gold and could easily farm all required mobs except the boss. After the stat changes a single mob in void hall is now almost as hard as the boss back then, so the weapon now is the hardest non-luck based obtainable item in the game. I think making the staff of abyss too much powerful would be unfair for those that couldn't afford it before the changes, it is on par with the new lv 17 epic weapons so as long they don't nerf it again i am ok with that.
They shouldn't be so worried about managing the damages one does, I think the main focus should be on the other major parts like the petshop.
Scale slayer set + crimson staff of the abyss will make you strong enough to kill bosses like steelfang, lava rocky and malthas.
i got full scale right now and was wondering if i should get the abyss staff or just go with ornate scythe?