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Discussion in 'Ogre Wars' started by ogreman, Jul 13, 2009.

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  1. Webber

    Webber Ogre King Ogre Veteran

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    I ma glad to be out of Vyeh's reach:D.
  2. Joker

    Joker Ogre Hall of Fame Ogre Veteran

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    Unfortunately, your troops have failed to defend against this attack from CrazyCane!
    The enemy troops have walked off with 3193 gold, and killed 2490 of your troops in the process!

    Your losses: 2490 troops and 3193 gold
    Enemy losses: 0 troops

  3. Joker

    Joker Ogre Hall of Fame Ogre Veteran

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    It is more fun to have a newbie attack you and lose 300 troops while you lose 0:p.
  4. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    I think I better start working on my defense again. Somebody attacked me twice yesterday and won both times:).
  5. Lions

    Lions Clubbed for Drama

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    Unfortunately, your troops have failed to defend against this attack from yueha062!
    The enemy troops have walked off with 241 gold, and killed 45 of your troops in the process!

    Your losses: 45 troops and 241 gold
    Enemy losses: 172 troops

    Every day he kills 45-50 of my troops and gets 200-300 gold, yet he loses between 150-250 troops. I don't understand his logic but whatever.
  6. Joker

    Joker Ogre Hall of Fame Ogre Veteran

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    Maybe he has a death wish?
  7. Lions

    Lions Clubbed for Drama

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    I mean, when he loses nearly 200 troops per attack, and he only has 300-400 troops to begin with, I just don't understand it, I make back the 45-50 troops in like one recruitment, and I make a couple thousand gold every time I collect it. I wonder if he knows how to play...
  8. awesomedrako

    awesomedrako Clubbed

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    I attacked Ogreman, and I won. I also attacked vyeh and won, but then the tables were turned as vyeh got more defence, and Ogreman attacked ME with his monster attack.
  9. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    The first time I was attacked was by awesomedrako:

    awesomedrako Attack Raid August 03, 10:30 AM 44782 0 Troops 1940 164 Troops 282g Success

    This was when the attack cap was 30%. Now the attack cap is 75%.

    Because awesomedrako has attacked ogreman and me recently, we were able to attack him repeatedly despite the fact he has fallen below the attack cap. Out of 9 (!) attacks (I use to be the bane of the lower reaches), I won 2 and lost 7. However, in each attack, I lost fewer troops than he did:

    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 15, 06:04 AM 201040040 1198 Troops 646878170 9219 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 15, 06:04 AM 289636195 2635 Troops 602788514 12743 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 15, 06:04 AM 218081598 4032 Troops 421474529 14699 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 15, 06:04 AM 378241605 5706 Troops 519507988 15213 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 13, 09:19 PM 429314897 5248 Troops 298966076 15063 Troops 0g Success
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 13, 09:19 PM 344140107 6670 Troops 303876953 15797 Troops 132g Success
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 13, 09:19 PM 446372608 9670 Troops 642080666 13795 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 13, 06:33 PM 238528203 12136 Troops 651901010 13232 Troops 0g Failure
    awesomedrako Attack Raid January 13, 06:24 PM 490705147 12889 Troops 666627365 16046 Troops 0g Failure

    (I would normally xxx the attack strengths and the defense stengths, but I think it is instructive for everyone to see this.)

    I used a couple of flaws in the conquest system. (I originally joined ogre wars to get data for a Conquest variant on another forum.)

    (1) If A attacks B, then B can attack A for 48 hours after A's last attack on B and the attack cap does not apply.

    (2) Casualties are a function of odds and the opponent's troop strength.

    Note that currently awesomedrako is at 0 troops. (He will be at 50 troops in the next 15 minute cycle.)

    Also note that awesomedrako has a greater defense strength than my attack strength.

    And finally note that awesomedrako was brought down by a team effort. He was also attacked by Coffee Addict and ogreman. (Speedyturtle would have attacked him, but Coffee Addict's attack put him out of range!)

    These are the current nation standings:

    Ironheads: 40.90%
    Wompers: 25.34%
    Goldteeth: 21.45%
    Big Beasts: 12.31%

    Near the end of December, the Wompers were ahead of the Ironheads. (I attacked some Wompers to put the Ironheads in the lead after ogreman declared the truce between the Wompers and the Ironheads had ended; I was hoping to keep the truce to see if six or seven players could have taken out Aaddron!)
  10. awesomedrako

    awesomedrako Clubbed

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    I used to be near the top, now I'm at 50 :(

    Those two game rules combined are a flaw though, yes.
  11. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    I've gone down to 50 twice (once was voluntary as I kept attacking someone). The silver lining is that you can attack anyone and win; unfortunately, you only collect gold equal to your troop strength and the most damage you cause is equal to 20% of your strength.

    On the other hand, if you choose to recruit troops, you will be able to get up to 75% of the top Ironheads without much trouble (unless I'm knocked down to your level).
  12. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    It looks like I am in contention for Ogre Warlord ...

    I started attacking the Wompers at the end of December because ogreman declared the truce between the Ironheads and the Wompers had ended because they were the number 1 and 2 nations and because the Wompers had moved into first place.

    I was counterattacked by p8ntitblack and reduced him to 0 troops (the minimum troop level of 50 kicked in on the next turn cycle).

    As I was making my way back up (one of my teammates has insisted I get back to the top), awesomedrako attacked me. So I reduced him to 0 troops.

    As I made my way up to the top yet again, sharpiejas attacked me:

    Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    2-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 01:50 AM xxx 11033 Troops xxx 15892 Troops 0g Success
    1-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 01:50 AM xxx 16647 Troops xxx 13417 Troops 0g Failure
    1-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 01:50 AM xxx 15247 Troops xxx 18076 Troops 230g Success
    1-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 01:49 AM xxx 20465 Troops xxx 16631 Troops 0g Failure

    Note the following:
    (1) sharpiejas first attack occurred when I had more troops than he did.
    (2) He won two and lost two. When he won, I lost more troops than he did. When he lost, he lost more troops than I did. So basically a wash. He lost 63392 troops and I lost 64016 troops. So he netted 624 troops and 230 gold (I think I had 0 gold when I went to bed) for 12 turns.

    However, I was still above him and I had 21 hammers when I woke up. So I counterattacked 7 times:

    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    2-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:09 AM 493976779 3428 Troops 204918504 10137 Troops 0g Success
    2-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:08 AM 459915193 4280 Troops 200835789 10650 Troops 0g Success
    1-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:08 AM 201003366 5751 Troops 105207703 10395 Troops 0g Success
    4-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:08 AM 493998092 4667 Troops 109317812 13884 Troops 0g Success
    2-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:08 AM 316846892 7244 Troops 110694628 12770 Troops 0g Success
    2-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:08 AM 395216556 8346 Troops 153074662 13771 Troops 0g Success
    4-1: sharpiejas Attack Raid January 16, 06:07 AM 476995697 7284 Troops 116187257 17086 Troops 0g Success

    Note the following:

    (1) While sharpiejas is 1-1 when he attacks me, I am 2-1 when I attack him.
    (2) While I won each battle and he lost more troops than I did in each battle, in the later battles, he lost more proportionally. (Compare the second battle and the last battle, which were both at 2-1 odds. In the second battle he lost less than twice as much as I did. In the last battle he lost three times as much as I did.
    (3) Because he had attacked me, I was able to continue attacking him despite the fact that he had fallen below 75% of my troop strength.

    He is currently at 40% of my troop strength. If he chooses to continue attacking me, on average, I will have 40% of his losses. (That is why I was forced to attack him. As long as he was within a few percentage points of me, he could have kept attacking and taken both of us down.) I lost 41000 troops and he lost 88693 troops, so I netted 47693 troops and no gold (he must have at least 10 spies) for 21 turns.

    At this point, the Wompers are in third place:

    Ironheads: 41.37%
    Goldteeth: 22.88%
    Wompers: 22.64%
    Big Beasts: 13.11%

    The Wompers have gone down from 25.34% (see post 69 above) to 22.64% and everyone else has gone up (even the Ironheads despite combat losses that haven't been replaced by ogreman and myself).

    If sharpiejas had not attacked me, the Wompers would have remained in second place (yes, I was going to attack sharpiejas as soon as he was barely above my attack threshold, but I would have only been able to attack him once).

    I believe ogreman deserves the title of Ogre Warlord (he has better offense than I do and he made a couple of well-timed attacks against awesomedrako that put awesomedrako in a position where I could reduce him to the minimum troop level).

    However, in terms of activity, I think I have been involved in more combat, both offensively and defensively.
  13. awesomedrako

    awesomedrako Clubbed

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    I would have actually survived your attack, vyeh, if other Ironhead members didn't join in the take down. So it was a team effort. I neglected to wait for others, thinking I was powerful enough. Once again I didn't think things through :D
  14. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    I wouldn't have attacked you if you had not already been taken down. The original plan was to move up to the troop cap where Coffee Addict and speedyturtle could have participated in a group take down.

    My attack only worked because you started at 75% of my troop strength. So that even though I had only two wins in nine attacks, you lost a greater percentage of troops than I did in every attack. (Actually you lost a greater absolute number as well.)

    You had a better defense rating than my attack rating. The fact that I was able to take you down is either (a) flaws in the casualty calculation system and the "feuds" rule or (b) superior team tactics. Actually, there was a superior tactic and that would have been for ogreman to have taken you down by himself. However, it would not have been as instructive for me.

    I think your mistake was attacking ogreman. It isn't enough to win, you have to survive the counterattack. As you said, ogreman has a monster attack rating.

    I don't think you were powerful enough to take on ogreman. Although you can win attacking him, his defense rating is high enough that his counterattacks could take you all the way down.

    If you had only attacked me, you could have stopped after your one win and two losses. I would have continued to recruit troops up to the troop cap. You could have followed me, but then you would come into range of the other top Ironheads. And three of us had been discussing a joint attack on you.

    Yes, it was a team effort. And it was also the combination of two rules: the casualty calculation rule and the "feuds" rule. Neither rule by itself is a game breaker, but, in combination, they are deadly.

    I believe that your error was thinking you were powerful enough to take on two old-timer Ironheads by yourself.
  15. sharpiejas

    sharpiejas Little Spike

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    whoa, stato.....

    You put a lot of thinking into that Vyeh, i just attack anyone i feel like at the time.

    Guess that is why i currently have 74 troops though (
  16. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    Actually, you are very much like me. I had attacks against you, Rizzle Bizzle and awesomedrako in a short period of time!

    I've been at 74 troops twice. You will be able to recruit troops and you will know exactly who not to attack. You are welcome to attack me, but there won't be much gold and one counterattack will send you back to 50.

    I put a lot of thinking because I engage in impulse, too. I opened myself to attack by anymotion and knightavon by attacking you immediately instead of waiting until the "feuds" window was about to close.

    You should be able to get to within 75% of the troop cap without trouble (unless someone else attacks me). After that, I would suggest some teamwork ...
  17. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    I attacked Rizzle Bizzle:

    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    Rizzle Bizzle Attack Raid January 20, 07:17 AM 367914244 16242 Troops 234583787 7938 Troops 363g Success

    Note that because I was at 70,000 to his 180,000, I lost more troops than he did!

    This was intentional as it allowed me to carry out some more attacks:

    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    TaurusJ Attack Raid January 20, 07:20 AM 350864448 2581 Troops 69951912 8389 Troops 7136g Success
    knightavon Attack Raid January 20, 07:19 AM 425806369 0 Troops 28511043 11185 Troops 19523g Success
    anymotion Attack Raid January 20, 07:18 AM 316799938 0 Troops 3195657 11185 Troops 297g Success
    loops Attack Raid January 20, 07:17 AM 507561192 0 Troops 27945967 11185 Troops 0g Success

    I have a whole bunch of spies and I know Rizzle Bizzle's attack rating. If he gets very very lucky, I might lose a few troops, but the most likely outcome is that I will lose no troops.

    At this point, the standings are:

    Ironheads: 50.14%
    Goldteeth: 20.27%
    Wompers: 16.39%
    Big Beasts: 13.20%
  18. awesomedrako

    awesomedrako Clubbed

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    I don't think Rizzle Bizzle is stupid enough to attack you at such a low attack rating vyeh.
  19. vyeh

    vyeh Ogre Wars Hall of Fame

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    I had to ask my five strongest teammates not to attack Rizzle Bizzle. I was close to the troop cap and needed to lose some troops within ten days.

    Recent Offense History
    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    Rizzle Bizzle Attack Raid January 31, 11:02 AM 422712616 20806 Troops 258848001 33891 Troops 185472g Success

    This is the first time I've attacked in order to remain below the troop cap.
  20. knightavon

    knightavon MMORPGer

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    vyeh havnt attacked u yet but be prepared cuz its coming lol
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