Discussion in 'MOBA' started by jurcipro12, Mar 23, 2014.
Lulu is the best now...
Xerath right now
Oriana is best <3
xerath, ziggs, fizz
Fizz is best for me atm. Tho if he gets nerfed I will probably play orianna.
i dont know, didint see nwe patch
Best midlaner in meta? Who is the best/stronges midlaner in the current meta?
Xerath,Syndra,oriana and in some high elo talon
I like ziggs and oriana they are op mid
brand for me
Talon or Vladimir.
Zed and Orriana apsolutely
Soraka for me So OP mid champ
Zed, Yasuo and Galio.
Talon and Akali are my personal favorites
best mid champ for me is Brand!
fizz katarina and ryze
Yasuo Mid OP!
I like talon and zed.Try them
Zed,Yasuo and Galio