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Blue Ogres and Moglins Event

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ogreman, Dec 4, 2018.

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Not open for further replies.
  1. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 18

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #30

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5Postsin Best and Worst Games = 200 Points

    5posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Improvements points
    What do you think about the purple creature from the World Tree?
    RED dragon / BLUE dragon
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    Ashfall Part 3 expectations and suggestions

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQ3D Class Discussion
    AQ3D Chests in dungeons, a new norm?
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!

    Acomment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Online Gaming Options on your Computer
    Casual Games and Fantasy Worlds
    Virtual Reality Gaming Potential
    Good Free Games on Steam

    Item Bonuses

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not countingforum games) in a day = 200 Points(once)

    Total points - 1,680 points
  2. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 17

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Song of the day!

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    total = 1080 points
  3. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 17:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  4. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  5. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 18

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    [AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    total = 1080 points
  6. Day 18:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    AQ3D Seasonal RARE Pet And Helm Drops! New Morphs! AdventureQuest 3D - YouTube
    AQ3D 2019 CALENDAR SET IN-GAME! How to Get Your Calendar Set! - YouTube
    AQ3D Frostlorn Castle! | How To! ALL Quests, Dungeons, Drops, Frostlorn Boss, Storyline! | Frostvale - YouTube
    AQ3D| Buying the new 2018 Frostval collection! New Items and travel forms! - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Aeroplane
    Play Alien Attack
    Play Mega Jump Ice Edition
    Play Taco-Fu

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Live Event Coins
    Frostvale Castle

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  7. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 18:

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #30

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    UYU NL (Cammy) vs. RZR Xian (Ibuki) - Combo Breaker 2018 - Grand Finals - SFV - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Frostvale Castle
    Live Event Coins
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    AQ3D Suggestion: Character Page Badges
    Would you don a beard and/or moustache in AQ3D? If so, what kind are you hoping for?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    What do you think about the purple creature from the World Tree?
    AQ3D Chests in dungeons, a new norm?
    Q3D Elemental damage and resistances, should they be implemented?

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    Ninja Air Combat
    Ninja Glove
    Ninja Kid
    Ninja Mouse

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    The Most Legendaries Ever Played in Arena?!?! INSANE GAME | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    It Always Feels Good To Beat Druid | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    TRIPLE Legendary Warlock Arena Run - YouTube
    RUMBLE RUN OUT!! The Warrior Shrine is OP - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    First Games on New Gaming PC
    An Ogre Meets an Xbox One
    Games That Take Place In Egypt
    Tarzan in the World of Games

    Total: 1,680 points
  8. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 19

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Frostvale Castle
    Live Event Coins
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    AQ3D Suggestion: Character Page Badges
    Would you don a beard and/or moustache in AQ3D? If so, what kind are you hoping for?

    5Postsin Best and Worst Games = 200 Points
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    What do you think about the purple creature from the World Tree?
    AQ3D Chests in dungeons, a new norm?
    Q3D Elemental damage and resistances, should they be implemented?

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    First Games on New Gaming PC
    An Ogre Meets an Xbox One
    Games That Take Place In Egypt
    Tarzan in the World of Games

    Item Bonuses :

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 1,580 points
  9. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 18:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  10. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  11. Day 19:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Aq3d|The H.B.F(The helping best friends)|with Thejerminator13,Phoenix,Nix(Zestvin)&Jaydminator13. - YouTube
    AQ3D : Behold, An EPIC PvP Battle in AQ3D!! - YouTube
    AQ3D : How To Get Free Dc's/DoomHero Scythe/Vampragon With A Special Shop - YouTube
    AQ3D with MJ: Blizzy needs help in Frostvale! - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Alien Attack
    Play Bule
    Play Chopper
    Play Mega Jump Ice Edition

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    New Email Reward!
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  12. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 19:

    Winning Ogre Battle Royal = 500 Points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    Princess Slim (F.A.N.G) vs AtlasBear Storm Kubo (Abigail) - CEO 2018 - Pools - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    Pirate Battleon Invasion
    Morph or Mount ? (AQ3D)
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D
    AQW Classes in AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQ3D Chests in dungeons, a new norm?
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    New Email Reward!

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    1 in 24 Survival v2
    1 Starship
    100 Meter Dash

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    RECRUIT WARRIOR IS SPITEFUL SUMMONER 2.0? - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    THE DOS AND DON'TS OF FATIGUE DECKS - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    HOW GOOD ARE ARUGAL AND BOOK OF SPECTERS? - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    TRUMP'S FIRST WITCHWOOD ARENA! Part 2 - Warrior Arena - The Witchwood - YouTube
    TOGWAGGLE DRUID STRUGGLE - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    3 of the Most Significant Recent Changes in the Gaming Industry
    How Online Games Overtook Old Arcades
    Benefits of Playing Video Games
    Embrace your retro 80s nostalgia without leaving the sofa

    Total: 2,080 points
  13. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 20

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    Pirate Battleon Invasion
    Morph or Mount ? (AQ3D)
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D
    AQW Classes in AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQ3D Chests in dungeons, a new norm?
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    New Email Reward!

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    3 of the Most Significant Recent Changes in the Gaming Industry
    How Online Games Overtook Old Arcades
    Benefits of Playing Video Games
    Embrace your retro 80s nostalgia without leaving the sofa

    Item Bonuses :

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 1,130 points
  14. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 19:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  15. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 19

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    phase 6

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 perday)
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    total = 1280 points
  16. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 20:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    Echo Fox Momochi (Kolin) vs Qanba Douyu XiaoHai (Cammy) - CEO 2018 - Pools - CPT 2018

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    New Email Reward!
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    AQ3D Who is Guardian/Dragon Guardian?
    AQ3D l rare I survey

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    3 Foot Ninja
    3 Foot Ninja 2 v2
    30k Starfighter
    32768 Invaders

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    (Hearthstone) The Unseen Eredar Lord Is The Deadliest - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Battle of the Big Decks - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Getting Even VS Deathstalker Rexxar - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Amara Grinds Evenlock - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Can Overload Overcome the Odds? - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    2016 GameOgre.com Online Game Awards
    Evolution of Rummy
    The History of Video Game Machines
    Best Gaming PCs

    Total: 1,680 points
  17. Day 20:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    AQ3D Frostlorn Castle! NEW Loot! New Challenges! AdventureQuest 3D - YouTube
    AQ3D BEST 5 Sets of The Month #9! Winter Warriors! - YouTube
    Aq3d|Epic snowball fight!|With:TheJerminator13,Nix(Phoenix),Zestvin&Killer Cane - YouTube
    AQ3D Free Customization Change Name (Small Caps / All Caps) - YouTube
    AQ3D Frostlorn's Challenge Dungeon! How To! Best way to get Frostlorn Rime & Frozen Horn! All Drops! - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Aeroplane
    Play Alien Attack
    Play Taco-Fu
    Play World Domination Battle

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    New Email Reward!
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,180 Points
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  18. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 21

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    phase 3

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    New Email Reward!
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    AQ3D Who is Guardian/Dragon Guardian?
    AQ3D l rare I survey

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D

    5Postsin Best and Worst Games = 200 Points

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    2016 GameOgre.com Online Game Awards
    Evolution of Rummy
    The History of Video Game Machines
    Best Gaming PCs

    Item Bonuses :

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games ) in a day 200 points ( once )

    Total points - 1,780 points
  19. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 20
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  20. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.

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