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Blue Ogres and Moglins Event

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ogreman, Dec 4, 2018.

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Not open for further replies.
  1. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 24:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  2. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  3. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 24

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    total =1180 points
  4. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 25

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    weapons/gears crafted or dropped by enemies
    AQ3D Guild System
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    [AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    AQ3D Item Suggestions

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Invading AQ3D
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Happy Ogremas!
    GameOgre.com Member of the Month for November

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Beginners Guide to Online Games
    What does the Future Hold For Gamers?
    Five Ways Gamers Go Broke
    Best Gaming and Movie Crossovers

    Total points - 1,330 points
  5. Day 25:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    AQ3D: Opening the 28th Day Daily Chest (Emperor's Chest) For Those Free Players.(Like me) - YouTube
    Aq3d|Wall of pain|With:TheJerminator13, Inise,&Zestvin(still Akriloth's ex)| - YouTube
    AQ3D Best Cosmetic Sets 2018!!! - YouTube
    AQ3D Tasty Whale Pop Morph and How To Get Smellyfish? - YouTube
    AQ3D Which Class is More Efficient In terms in Dungeon Fast Run - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Beast Castle
    Play Motherload
    Play Snake
    Play World Domination Battle

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  6. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 25:

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    Mago (Cammy) vs Rise MenaRD (Birdie/Akuma) - CEO 2018 - Pools - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    AQ3D Item Suggestions
    [AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    AQ3D Guild System

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Invading AQ3D
    Member of the Month Winners

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    BuZZ-BoKS SPoT 5 - Liverpool
    Bush Backrub
    Burn Stuff and Die
    Bunny Cannon

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    Amaz vs Ungoro Pack and Taunts | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    Fatiguing with My Last Dude | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    Insane Warrior Deck Starting 100 in 10! P1 | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    Insane Warrior Deck Starting 100 in 10! P2 | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube
    New Patch, Same Mad Bomber | Amaz Hearthstone - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Themed MMO Games
    Noteworthy Trends in Gaming
    Why Guilds & Clans Will Never Die
    Online Gaming Communities

    Total: 1,780 points
  7. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 25:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  8. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  9. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 25

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    phase 7

    total =1280 points
  10. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 26

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    AQ3D Item Suggestions
    [AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    AQ3D Guild System

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Invading AQ3D
    Member of the Month Winners

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Themed MMO Games
    Noteworthy Trends in Gaming
    Why Guilds & Clans Will Never Die
    Online Gaming Communities

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points- 1,280 points
  11. Day 26:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    aq3d Downstait - Fight As One - YouTube
    Bank time with friends (feat. Aq3d with bailey - YouTube
    Frostlorn Castle AQ3D - YouTube
    Watch me play AQ3D via Omlet Arcade! - YouTube
    Fastest way of Legion Parkour AQ3D - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play 2 Fast 2 Furious
    Play Aeroplane
    Play Cannon Micro
    Play Star Wars Saber Whack

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    AQW Classes in AQ3D

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  12. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 26:

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    Phase 8

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    Rise Smug (Balrog) vs CYG BST GamerBee (Cammy) - CEO 2018 - Pools - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    AQ3D Guild System
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    AQ3D Item Suggestions
    AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    Bowja The Ninja
    Brandy & Mr Whiskers Jungle Eggventure
    Brave Firefighter

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    EVERY GOOFBALL CAN GET LEGEND NOWADAYS - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    EVEN SHAMAN BUT WITH MURLOCS! - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    PLAY DEAD HUNTER IS A HIGH LEGEND DECK? - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube
    OUTLIVING EVERYONE AS QUEST PRIEST - Standard Constructed - The Witchwood - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Tycoon Games and Game Money
    VPNs For Gaming
    MMO Sports Games 2017
    eSports Latest News and Upcoming Events

    Total: 1,780 points
  13. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 26:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  14. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 26

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Ogre Battle Royal #31

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    total =1280 points
  15. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 27

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    Phase 6

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    AQ3D Guild System
    AQW Classes in AQ3D
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    Item build and stat in AQ3D
    AQ3D Item Suggestions
    AQ3D] Guardian or a seasonal package?

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Tycoon Games and Game Money
    VPNs For Gaming
    MMO Sports Games 2017
    eSports Latest News and Upcoming Events

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 1,430 points
  16. Day 27:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Dark Frontier

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    AQ3D - FREE EPIC WEAPON SKIN !!! #1 - YouTube
    AQ3D - "Boredom" - YouTube
    AQ3D New Year's Eve Party Fireworks Sneak Preview! | December 31st 2018 in Battleon! - YouTube
    Watch me play AQ3D - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Avatar Bending Battle
    Play Bloons Pop 3
    Play MegaJump
    Play Star Wars Saber Whack

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    AQ3D Guild System

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  17. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 27:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    UYU Oil King (Rashid) vs Pugera (Cammy) - CEO 2018 - Pools - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    AQ3D Item Suggestions
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    Items from other AE games you'd like to see in AQ3D?
    AQ3D | is adding a Trade system really that great?
    Which do you prefer? | Craftable items or 1% drop items?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    Best Place to Standby on AQ3D
    AQ3D Guild System
    Item build and stat in AQ3D

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    Bloons Pop 3
    Bloons Tower Defense 1
    Blue Ocean

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    (Hearthstone) One Mana Ultimate Infestations!? - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Meteorologist Goes Pew Pew Pew - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) The Academic Espionage of Tess Greymane - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Ringing in Boomsday with Handmage - YouTube
    (Hearthstone) Ozruk VS The Jurassic Period - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    The Most Exciting Virtual Reality Games in 2017
    Most Popular Games for Mobile Phones in 2017
    Save Money With Top Game Apps
    How To Select The Best Mobile Apps

    Total: 1,580 points
  18. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 27:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,180 points! :)
  19. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  20. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 27

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Big Blue Ogre Duels

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    WinningOgre Battle Royal = 500 Points

    Having a duel at Big Blue Ogre Duels = 100 Points
    Big Blue Ogre Duels

    total = 1780 points
Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.

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