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Bugged arcade games

Discussion in 'Ogre Arcade' started by brankomiljus20, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    These 2 games wont load, if any else find problems like this, plz post here, so we can do something about that

    Cannibal Casserole II - Game wont load
    Cats VS Mice - Game wont load
  2. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Just to inform ppl, that here u can list bugs that u find playing our arcade games
  3. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Flappy Mario - HS bugged, i had 22 and yet with 18 its 1st palce
  4. Grawl

    Grawl MLG King Ogre Veteran

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    Nice thread Branko especially for us arcade geeks :)
    brankomiljus20 likes this.
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Volnus needs to look here since he is the one to fix them if they can be fixed:).
  6. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Main problem with High Scores is that sometimes we need to have much bugger score then high score it self.
    For example for Flappy Mario HS was 18, and i had 22 and still wasnt on 1st place, played game today had about 25 and everything works fine
  7. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Young Lee HS score bugged cant get over 220, tried so many times
  8. Key:

    Some games are bugged, but you can fix it by playing around with the right-click context menu.
    *In other games, it's possible to get a score that wouldn't be possible during normal gameplay.
    *Game is broken (on a modern browser), and a workaround solution could exist, but hasn't been found/told/discovered.
    *Other bug issue
    *Game doesn't have a way to submit score (not really a bug, just the way the game was designed)
    *Max high score has already been reached. Impossible to achieve a new high score, so it's only possible to tie. Not really a bug.


    100 Meter Dash: 99.99 is the best possible score, so a tie is the only option.

    2 Deep v2:
    Obtaining high score is dependent on GPU. Game loads in too many objects the further you progress, causing lag.

    2 Fast 2 Furious: You can skip any race you want by starting the race, and then right-clicking and pressing Forward until you skip the race screen. It's possible to get the lowest time by only playing Race #3.

    3 Foot Ninja / 3 Foot Ninja 2 v2: Possible to get a high score as high as you want by right-clicking and using the Forward/Back button to change scenes, and then attacking enemies or collecting items.

    Example: (In 3 Foot Ninja 2, when at Chapter 2, Screen 2, the player could grab the acorns in air for 5,000 points, right-click and click on Forward to enter the next screen, then right-click and click on Back to enter the previous screen with the acorns reappearing, and earn a large high score that way. Also possible to complete the game by just right-clicking and pressing Play a bunch of times to skip scenes.)

    3D Pool: Game works fine, but score submission only submits a score of zero.

    3D Quick Pool: Stuck on FreeOnlineGames splash/load screen on both Chrome and Firefox. The SWF itself runs fine on Adobe Flash Player, but there is no current solution for playing it on an up-to-date browser.

    Ant Kendo: 1,000 is the best possible score.

    Ben 10 Cannonbolt Zirkus: Game screen is black, and if you right-click and press Play, you can't fully launch the ball. The fix is, on the black screen, right click to open the context menu and click Forward; do this 25 times. You should be able to fully launch the ball, but the score doesn't submit when you defeat the final boss.

    Billy Hatcher And The Many Eggs: Was able to submit a score of zero by right-clicking to open the context menu while on the "How to Play" screen and then clicking Play.

    BeachDefence: Game finishes when the player scores 6,000 or greater. 6,030 is perhaps the best score possible (game is pretty long to play just to verify).

    BuffHunter v32: 520 is the best possible score.

    Black Ants Rescue: Scene is off-screen, so an easy fix is to add scrolling to the HTML wrapper. Also to initiate the game, right-click and press Forward.

    <div class="sectionMain">
    <div class="primaryContent gamePlayer">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,14,0" id="game_object" width="650" height="550">
    <param name="movie" value="data/games/0/BlackAntsRescue_LGAS3.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <embed src="data/games/0/BlackAntsRescue_LGAS3.swf" id="game_embedobj" quality="high" pluginspage="Adobe Flash Player Install for all versions" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800px" height="650px">

    <div class="sectionMain" style="overflow-x:scroll;">
    <div class="primaryContent gamePlayer">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,14,0" id="game_object" width="650" height="550">
    <param name="movie" value="data/games/0/BlackAntsRescue_LGAS3.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <embed src="data/games/0/BlackAntsRescue_LGAS3.swf" id="game_embedobj" quality="high" pluginspage="Adobe Flash Player Install for all versions" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="5000px" height="1000px">

    After doing that, you should be able to scroll the screen to the right and play the game. There's probably a better HTML code to position the game without needing the scroll.

    Black Knight V32: Game includes 30 levels and a counter (for the number of moves made), but no 'submit score' button, even after completing every single level.

    Browser Quest: No workaround has been found yet. Game probably discontinued?

    Bullet Bill 2:
    Using character codes like '8E7UC' and then trying to submit a score during gameplay doesn't work, so you have to play the game normally for this one.

    Cannibal Casserole II: White screen; does not work, even on an older version of Flash Player.

    Car Flip: Game load screen is broken on Firefox, but the game works fine on Chrome. Could be an issue with the version.

    Carling: Race for the chair: Score is dependent on a timer, so the player can wait at the start of the game for as long as they want to and then complete the game later on to achieve whatever highscore they want.

    Catch 33: Also dependent on a timer, so player can wait at the last number for as long as they want to, and achieve whatever highscore they want that way.

    Cats VS Mice: SWF runs fine on Adobe Flash Player, but no solution for browser.

    CbbC Parachute Plunder: Works fine after changing a bit of HTML in Inspect Element.
    <div class="sectionMain">
    <div class="primaryContent gamePlayer">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,14,0" id="game_object" width="650" height="550">
    <param name="movie" value="data/games/1/CbbCParachutePlunderv32BuZZ.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <embed src="data/games/1/CbbCParachutePlunderv32BuZZ.swf" id="game_embedobj" quality="high" pluginspage="Adobe Flash Player Install for all versions" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800px" height="650px">

    <div id="game" style="block: none; text-align:center"><div id="resize_file" style="width:590px;height:400px; margin:auto"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="data/games/1/CbbCParachutePlunderv32BuZZ.swf" width="100%" height="100%"></object></div></div>

    Mega Jump: The score text is missing on Firefox, but displays properly on Chrome. Maybe a browser-supported font issue?

    Minecraft Tower Defense: The highest wave achievable is 50, but it's possible to bug the counter. The player can press "Skip (#)" as many times as they want.

    Naruto Ninja Survival: Score cannot be submitted by completing the game; must end game by dying to submit a score.

    Ninja Rampage Buzz: Score is dependent on a timer, so the player can wait at the end of the game for as long as they want to and then complete the game later on to achieve whatever highscore they want.

    Triple Triad Tournament: SWF runs fine on Adobe Flash Player, but no solution for browser.

    Final Notes:
    1. You can't submit a score, if the user that has 1st place has conversations turned off or if the user had their name changed. You could tie their score, and then try to beat that score, but the leaderboard would be bugged. You can also submit the same high score twice and the leaderboard would still be bugged until someone beats your record.
    2. Some games that no longer work require an older version of Flash Player (e.g. Flash Player 10). The archived Flash Player versions provided by Adobe has been decommissioned, so the way to play these games is to find a computer that still has an old version of Flash installed.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
    Aaddron likes this.

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