An ornate cape would be cool but the only problem is the weapons that were made ornate. There has only ever been three each of those weapons, one for each level, so it's highly unlikely that they make any other ones. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense lol.
Hmm battle pet sounds crazy but nice. I prefer a pet akri that will attack an fire balls Yeah you have a good point mate. Ile just hope AE dont do the same thing as they did to get ornate weapons
I have crafted all the Lolosia Challenge sets, the Fairy DragonKnight Set, the Runed Elvenguard set, the Shadowed set, the Undead Vindicator Set, the Mushogun set, the Mushronin set, the Bone Worshipper Set, Beta Berserker Set, Talyn's Set, Dragon Berserker Set, the Mist Set, most of the Masks from Death, almost all of the Daily Boss Sets (minus a few that I need a drop for), the Shadow Walker Set and the Lightbringer Set (minus the wings, still need 23 more bane cores). I recently crafted the Staff of Infernal Teleportation to get and explorer title. This doesn't count all the daily chest armor rewards and various drops I've gotten. Its a ton of fun grinding these things out.
The axe is the only one that looks good. I usually keep it in my bank but sometimes I can find a good outfit for it.
Good reason. The wep does look quite good but I still think there are better looking weps. I need to get my hands on that new Dreamer wep. >_<
That's why I've had it bank'd too, would be an absolute waste of time if we'd have to start farming from scratch.
For that very reason I did save my shadowed versions of Nighlocke weapons. The Nighlocke weapons got an upgrade so it's only matter of time they get another one.
Indeed, bout time they released an upgrade for this too --> Little Dread's Silver Claw II - AQ3D Perhaps in the upcoming Darkovia part 4!
Nowadays I don't really craft that many events items either and only crafts the ones I like thus saving that time I can use elsewhere.