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How many DCs left in your account?

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by legionlord13, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Crichardson21291

    Crichardson21291 Banned

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    Hey guys im new on here too. Follow me and ill folw you back. Thanks
  2. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I don't feel that it's okay to purchase progression because why would you willingly skip things which leads to you having less things to do? What's the point to play if you can buy yourself through the game? People have other things to do which are more important to their lives and that means most people don't have all day to play, but that doesn't mean you must to buy yourself through the game to enjoy it. You can enjoy something by spending a set amount of time on it and not focus on reaching the sky as fast as possible by any means necessary.

    Prices on virtual items can get pretty ridiculous and it's very dangerous to people with a tendency to spend money without having to think too much about it. Special Unicorn used to have crafting time speed up and the cost for it was very high to discourage skipping that timer and that doesn't stop everyone from spending a lot of money on such a small thing. You can't skip the crafting time of it anymore, but it's one of those cases which shouldn't be present in the first place.
  3. As long as it doesn't negatively impact other players or even yourself, I don't see what's wrong with purchasing your way through game progression. A lot of games allow that sort of stuff, because game companies realize that it lets those players enjoy the game more, and it also helps out the game company that needs income. Doesn't necessarily mean every game genre needs to capitalize on the consumer, but when a game receives constant updates and you, the player, only have maybe 2 days per week to play, then I don't see what's wrong with being able to spend your hard-earned cash to keep up with the game.

    The whole point isn't to discourage players from actually playing. Players would still be able to play (at their own time), but also catch up.
  4. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    It will affect players who actually PLAYED the game, they will just look those who straight up skipped through the game and ask themselves, what is the point to play if you can throw money at it and it plays itself? It devalues the time people put in and it just becomes more of a mobile game than a cross-platform game. Considering the amount of filler content that is being put the game compared to actual content, you can get a lot of things done even if you have only 2 days per week to play even it's a couple of hours each day.
  5. Value is subjective, based on the quality of one's own experience. I'd say players who take their time to play tend to get to explore more of the game and find more value than the people who paid their way through the game. I don't see how that's a disadvantage. Personal experience through the pacing of the game wouldn't have an impact on other players' experience, unlike paid-advantages in PvP and other player interactions. And if anything, people who do pay their way through the story may miss some things (important plots, Easter eggs, exploration quests, etc.), but at least they can get caught up with everything.

    I think an analogy to compare "why should players have the option to skip through the main story without playing through it" would be "why should players have the option to skip through cutscenes without watching them". Skipping a cutscene is up to one's own personal experience, and players who don't skip cutscenes generally don't argue with players who do skip cutscenes, because that's just their own choice. The main factor with skipping through a main story would be money; I think people would need to get over the "freeloading" concept of games and realize that this isn't about "their" experience, but everyone's experience, and having some paid options offer the best of both worlds.
  6. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Let's just say that there are things you shouldn't make to please everyone and this is one of them. Purchasing progression goes against very foundations of the MMORPG genre and games under this genre which go against said foundations are not going to survive as long as the ones which don't when it comes to having consistently good player numbers. AQ3D definitely isn't going to improve if such a thing was possible when it finally gets out of its "beta" phase which would be the opportunity to bring in more players.

    It's not great at all to invalidate the effort what developers go through to offer a gameplay experience by just skipping through it. People don't need to get rid something they were given an opportunity to do by the developers because they wouldn't have done that in the first place if they didn't think it was beneficial. Everyone and "they" are part of the same group, the same playerbase which decided to check this game out, but pleasing everyone every step of the way isn't always the best solution to keep that playerbase intact.
  7. Depends heavily on the game since every MMORPG is different in some ways. Also, nothing's really stopping game companies from adopting the idea of paid progress. I've seen games of many genres do it, especially on the mobile platform, such as some puzzle progression games (where you can spend money for virtual currency, and use that virtual currency to skip puzzles or buy power-ups that'll help with the puzzle). There's even a bike race game on mobile where you can buy access to new levels without unlocking all three stars on ones you're stuck on, or buy bikes that are more powerful than the ones you own. A lot of games, even successful games, have paid progression is some form, and it is something to consider for game companies with financial issues.

    I think the mobile platform is really what popularized paid progression, because the mobile audience is a lot different than the PC audience. Generally more of the mobile audience are working classes and people pull out their phones during their spare times, and the PC audience are people with a lot of time on their hand. For AQ3D, it's sort of in a gray area on what its audience really is... probably half PC players and half mobile players. I think paid progression would be beneficial, especially for attracting more mobile players, and that mobile platform is part of what separates AQ3D from other MMORPGs. For PC players that play AQ3D, they would just have to suck it up. And I don't think many PC gamers will quit if paid progression becomes a thing, because they already chose to play the game in the first place, and paid progression doesn't remove the factor of playing, just the expedition of pacing.

    I feel like a lot of free players with so much time on their hands are spoiled. Many of them probably grew up using their parents' money or never spent money on a free-to-play game in their life. The real issue isn't the paid progression itself, since it doesn't alter the gameplay at all, just one's own personal experience, but rather the attitude of money, and that's pretty much an issue of all games that utilize some form of currency. Many kids, especially, don't realize that game companies are actual businesses that need money.
  8. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I doubt that AE is going to go that far and actually make us able to buy progression of that caliber. They aren't actually grasping at straws when it comes to funding their business so I don't see paid progression becoming a thing. DC cosmetics and collections are what keep this game going and I would rather see it continue that way.

    How is AQ3D being F2P and a cross-platform game not enough to attract new players? Mobile gaming got formed into this cash grab land because how easy it's make mobile games and how accessible they are. Literally taking advantage of people who don't know any better when it comes to gaming. There aren't much to do in game, if you just zippity zip zoom through it using real money, not really a good idea knowing how AE handles their game. You will just have an emptier wallet and that's it.

    Those F2P players are very important for the growth of the game, they already support the game by playing it, sharing it with their friends which in turn could be the ones to buy DCs and spend them on things to keep the game running. Even those F2P players will eventually decide to give back what AQ3D gave to them. People will soften up when given enough time.
  9. I just see "free-to-play" and other terminologies as a propaganda jargon. People might be attracted to the idea of it at first, but it's when the players start playing and progressing through the game when they actually determine if the game suits them, and whether they want to spend money or not. And whether people spend their money or not is ultimately their choice, even if they end up making a choice that they regret, and it could be anything they regret like buying a package or something else.

    The free-to-play category is sort of like a demo or a trial in some ways, but without a limit; you try something out and determine for yourself whether you like a product/service or not. I tend to think of it analogous to an "infinite WinRAR trial". Or another way of thinking about it as sampling food at a mall food court before deciding whether to purchase the food. With paid games, you usually don't have that liberty to get the feel of a game (though sometimes you do have demos for paid games), but usually you have trailers that'll build up excitement for a game and those trailers cost a lot of money to make (producing it, and also displaying it on TV or some other medium, but usually the success is greater). With free-to-play games, there's less advertising needed because of employed techniques that small companies use (e.g. foot in the door technique, bandwagon, and other things on top of the free-to-play nature of the game), but because there's less advertising, they aren't always the most reliable moneymaker since maybe only a tenth of the newcomers spend money.

    But in the end, it's really the content of the game that matters rather than pure statistics, numbers, and luring techniques. People who enjoy the game will maintain the success of the game, and that's how any game should be regardless of what category and genre the game is. The focus shouldn't be on trying to attract players, because you could have a bad game and trying to attract players might leave the game with bad reviews or other problems (server stress when the game isn't fully ready or financial troubles). The main goal is focusing on building content first before building the playerbase.
  10. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    If a game holds on it's own with a F2P model and players have genuine interest and other reasons to keep playing, it has a reasonable probability to make people invest their money on it and go back for more. I would say it's risky to advertise in a traditional way for a game like AQ3D in it's current state (it's still in beta at least according to AE) and that's why AE hasn't really done that yet.

    Making something worthwhile in the way AE does with AQ3D does feels like a gamble, but when you consider what they had to even start properly developing just feels like they are driving a car with 3 wheels. They have put a lot of care to it despite clear hindrances they to deal with and some of them are self-made due to the management of it. They have multiple games they work on and that does also would be one of the reasons to their slow progress because they aren't going to give up on their still running games just like that.
  11. Heartt

    Heartt Brute

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    I am using more than 43.000 dragon coin’s for my charecter. Because of ı am a collector :)
  12. I've accumulated more than I'll ever use for a long while (currently at 22,345 DCs), and a lot of it comes from opening daily chests. Haven't found many DC items that I like, just because they haven't been interesting. If there's ever a limited time special offer (like x2 the amount of DCs such as a Black Friday deal), then I would probably just pass up on it; it's almost pointless to even buy DCs, when you just can't find anything good to spend it on.
    Rizlaftw likes this.
  13. Rizlaftw

    Rizlaftw Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

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    I feel the same mate I was at about 80k then just wasted it all on more emperors chests cause I feel the same I never buy collections because they’re always crap an I only ever want around 2-4 items tops think I only have two collections as well tlap just gone for the curse potion & lucky day for the staff the rest I just don’t bother an idk why people just buy it just cause, plus all titles are crap I don’t ever wear titles as only title I want isn’t obtainable for me anymore.

    I am currently at 28k now with nothing to buy except small items, which is rare because I am very picky.
  14. OrangeAQ3D

    OrangeAQ3D BamBam

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    I've got 1540. I shall buy more soon!!
  15. KingMyth

    KingMyth Big Brute New Ogre

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