Probably 15 years old. I never enjoyed Facebook to begin with. How old were you when you when you cooked your first meal on your own?
Seafood dish Lol if you asking how old i liked seafood dish. Maybe 20 How old were you when you punch a person
I earned money from my dad lol. I did errands For legit jobs, its 22 How old were you when you saw death in front of ya
6 or 7 cause I was forced to go to a billingual school (english/french) How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth pulled out?
5 years old in kindergarten. Luckily my mother was able to stay home and take care of me so I didn't have to go to preschool How old were you when you first went on a field trip at school?
11 i guess , the 3rd anniversary of facebook i joined. How old were you when you know/realise it was your mistake or did a bad decision?
7, punched a turkey, got pecked like hell. How old were you when you had your first fight, if no, then first kiss?
6-7? It wasnt realy a fight tho... 1 punch ended in a broken nose. Not mine tho How old were you when you got your 1st job?