Red Riding Annie Unchained alistar Riot Girl tristana DreadKnight Garen Frosted Ezreal These are best
who will have the new ultimate skin in your oppinion who do you think will have the new ultimate skin this year we have udiry with his spirit guard and ezreal with his pulsfire So who will be next, witch champ, i would say Shyvana or Lux and my argumant is ... well we have jungler and adc with ultimate why not now top or mby mid and ofc support
Alienware Arena-Arclight Varus Skin Giveaway Alienware Arena is giving away League of Legends keys for the Arclight Varus skin, if you dont' have champ you will get it. Only thing you need to do is make acc on their site, (I will post link at the end) and join Geforce group on their site, all of that will take less then 5 min. You can see date when they are gonna give away keys but not time, you will get email about 15 min. before keys are added and then you need to go their site, log in, and refresh like mad so you see when keys are added, when you see that keys are there you go in queue, and wait to see if you get key, they will sent you email in about 10-15 min. to let you know if you got the key, when you enter queue do not refresh site or browser because that can result that you dont get key. There is one giveaway tooday, it's for EUNE and there is 2 giveaway's next week, one for NA, one for EUNE. If you win a key that is not for your region you can transfer it over support on LoL official site. If you don't know how to do that send me private message and I will answer you what you need to do. Also I got skin, and I will try to get one tooday, if I win I will give key to some member of forum. Here is the link from Alienware Arena Giveaway page If you have any questions feel free to ask .
You cant tell this is overall best skin in lol , it can be best for you , for me its scorhed earth renekton
I think nasus wont he just got legendary skin , but i dont know if riot announced it yet it think they didnt so we just have to wait