Lee Sin Fans I want to open this topic for lee sin fans. Post clips, images, anything you want. Share your experience with us.
Lets talk about lee sin ! Hey all, As some of you may have heard, there is a Lee Sin retune going on and I’m currently working on it. I just wanted to tell you about some of our planned changes before they hit the PBE (so we can talk about why we’re making the changes). Our specific goal with Lee Sin is to solve the following problems as we see them: The ranged melee tanky-DPS assassin mage tank-support jungler Lee Sin has the full kit to single-handedly dominate early to mid game. We like that he’s strong here, but he’s so overwhelming at times that it makes him go from someone who needs to be consistently skilled to make big plays to someone who wins certain phases of the game with the safety of his high base stats. Lee Sin falls off really hard late game, so this puts even more pressure on him to win (or snowball his entire team) before that happens. There are some champions who follow this power curve, but none as extreme as Lee Sin (maybe pre-rework Garen). Letting Lee only ‘play’ half the game (in an unbalanced way) so he doesn’t become useless in the other half is really unhealthy (for both Lee and his opponents). Now let me walk you through all the changes (note: THESE ARE NOT FINALIZED. We’re still working on them!): Flurry This is the core change for Lee Sin’s late game power level. The huge attack speed buff at later levels means Lee Sin can deal a lot of sustained damage in team fights without relying so completely on his ability damage. • Attack Speed bonus increased to 40/60/80/100% (at levels 1/6/11/16) from 40% at all levels Sonic Wave This is actually a small early game power shift (we focused more on Tempest, so see that below). Something important to note – it seems like a huge nerf to Lee Sin’s damage, but it’s really only a 10 damage nerf at level 1 (with the right runes / masteries) because it scales with total AD and not bonus AD. Changing the ratio to total AD means Lee Sin will snowball less when he’s far ahead while also being able to still deal some damage when he’s really behind. At mid game this is actually a damage buff if he’s ranking up Sonic Wave. • Damage changed to 15/35/55/75/95 (+0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9 Total AD) from 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.9 Bonus AD) Resonating Strike The 8% missing health change doesn’t really work on tanks (which is originally what we designed it for), even if it seems to be built as an HP shredding ability. This change just makes it clear that you should use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike when you want more damage and makes its use less confusing. • Damage changed to 15/35/55/75/95 (+0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9 Total AD) from 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.9 Bonus AD) • Now deals up to 50% bonus damage (150% total damage) based on the target’s missing Health instead of 8% of the target’s missing Health Safeguard We had a big discussion on this topic! I’ll go deeper on this later on but, for now, I’ll just throw out some high level thoughts: ward hopping isn’t something we saw coming in League, but when we did we thought it was really cool and had fun gameplay attached to it. Still, it gives Lee Sin a lot of free mobility (which can be really frustrating, especially because wards are invisible and he can basically set up a “safety net†of wards in the jungle to hop around), and we wanted to reduce a little of that frustration. There’s also the problem with Lee using his defensive movement ability just to get in position for his offensive movement ability (Sonic Wave), and he wasn’t really paying a cost for doing it (unlike Katarina or Jax who have to give up a damaging ability and can only move once). Anyway, we wanted to increase the cost of using Safeguard offensively for more tradeoffs in when Lee can use it. • Cost increased to 100 from 50 • Refunds 50 energy if cast on an allied champion (including self) Tempest With the late game power buff on Flurry, we needed to reduce some damage somewhere, and Tempest’s high utility was where we looked. These numbers might still be too high, but the general idea is that if you level up Tempest while building tanky on Lee Sin, the damage difference won’t be really big. If you build lots of AD on Lee Sin, you’ll definitely see less damage on Tempest (which we made up for in Flurry). • Damage changed to 25/50/75/10/125 (+0.6 total AD) from 60/95/130/165/200 (+1.0 Bonus AD) • Now deals physical damage instead of magic Cripple This debuff used to update only once every 1 second, so it was a long and very powerful slow. We made it a little more gradual and fixed a bug where it used to not work well with Tenacity (as in it was affecting them a little too much). Dragon’s Rage While this is a significant damage nerf on the first part of Dragon’s Rage, we really wanted to separate its use in utility versus damage. If you’re using Dragon’s Rage to kick a high-value target to your team, you should be giving something up like the AoE-damage and crowd control utility. If you decide to kick someone into the enemy team, you’ll get more rewards through the knockup and high damage (it doesn’t have diminishing returns per target hit).In regards of the damage nerf, Dragon Rage’s old high values combined with the Flurry buffs would make him insane in duels, so we had to reduce that power. I can’t stress how much the new Flurry helps Lee Sin’s damage at late game! • Damage changed to 50/150/250 (+0.75/0.875/1.0 Total AD) from 200/400/600 (+2.0 Bonus AD) • For each enemies target collide with would make target take 25/75/125 (+0.375/0.4375/0.5 Total AD) extra damage
My lee sin build op for gold First take a hunters machete. Than spirit of the elder lizard Than take a boots of mobility or armor boots. Than take hydra(or blood in last case) Take omen. Take ring what give u one spell block(sry idk whats the name of this item) And last take guardian angel or warmog but guardian is better. And last what u can do sell boots and get zephyr, and sell spirit of the elder lizard and buy some dmg or armor penetration. Thats my build i hope u will enjoy and i hope this will help
Mine: Machete and pots elder lizard boots of mobility sightstone brutalizer hydra and u can go warmogs