Hahahaha Teemo is really easy to counter. Every assasin can counter him :Zed, Kha, Akali, Panteon, Nidale But he is rely weak against Talon and Kata, the poor rat cant do anything against them. And Lee Sin, hes blind what can Teemos dart do to him . . .
How to counter Kha Zix ? https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd....x403/1962598_648350211867574_1145451562_n.jpg
Counter for Renekton I play top a lot and I need good soution for this question. Can anyone give me some advice?
Renekton is hard champ to counter , but of course u need to get some tank champs like : Dr.Mundo or to get some Tanky(ad) champs like Nasus or Shyvana! Cheers!