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Marvel Heroes Random Hero Box Key Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. caprion

    caprion Ogre Newling

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    Favourite hero: Gambit
    Why: I'm not a big fan of Gambit in the comics, but as a playable character in Marvel Heroes, he rocks. His powers allow a good mix of ranged, melee and area attacks and i like how they captured his flirting in the game comments. White is his faaaavourite colour when talking to Emma Frost, but Red is his faaaavourite colour when talking to Scarlet Witch, etc...
  2. ahodak

    ahodak Ogre Newling

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    Favourite hero: Psylocke
    Why:psylocke is an omega level psychic with vast telepathic powers that she can focus into a very deadly psychic knife. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and a prominent X-Man.
  3. ahodak

    ahodak Ogre Newling

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    Favourite hero: Psylocke
    Why:psylocke is an omega level psychic with vast telepathic powers that she can focus into a very deadly psychic knife. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and a prominent X-Man.
  4. saltywetman

    saltywetman Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Psylocke

    Why: So far she is probably the most unique her I've played thus far. Having to utilize mobility, stealth and properly positioning projections in order to do maximum damage is different than the rest of the heroes I've played thus far where u just stand still and cycle through your skills.

    Anyways, this game is awesome and coming from D3 which I recently quit, having a game with devs who are constantly connected to the community, hold weekly events, and responds to feedback is a breath of fresh air!
  5. saltywetman

    saltywetman Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Psylocke

    Why: So far she is probably the most unique her I've played thus far. Having to utilize mobility, stealth and properly positioning projections in order to do maximum damage is different than the rest of the heroes I've played thus far where u just stand still and cycle through your skills.

    Anyways, this game is awesome and coming from D3 which I recently quit, having a game with devs who are constantly connected to the community, hold weekly events, and responds to feedback is a breath of fresh air!
  6. droc

    droc Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Rocket Raccoon

    Why: What's not to love about a gun-wielding talking raccoon? I had never really been in comics until Iron Man came out, and then I got interested. I don't remember how I learned of them, but one of the first comics I read of the 2008 run of GotG. Seriously don't know how one of the lesser known comics was one of the first ones I read, but it happened. I loved it the whole way. The ridiculousness of the cosmics was hilarious and Rocket was my favorite character. Even now after reading other comics he still remains my favorite character and I can't wait for the movie. My friends could care less about this stuff but they know how badly I want to see the GotG movie, haha.

    I really wish I had him as a playable character in MH. I keep telling myself I should just save 400 ES to get him, but I can't justify waiting that long when I barely have any heroes already. But then I always get disappointed with another dupe character. Oh well, hoping for a Rocket bundle soon to promote movie.
  7. droc

    droc Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Rocket Raccoon

    Why: What's not to love about a gun-wielding talking raccoon? I had never really been in comics until Iron Man came out, and then I got interested. I don't remember how I learned of them, but one of the first comics I read of the 2008 run of GotG. Seriously don't know how one of the lesser known comics was one of the first ones I read, but it happened. I loved it the whole way. The ridiculousness of the cosmics was hilarious and Rocket was my favorite character. Even now after reading other comics he still remains my favorite character and I can't wait for the movie. My friends could care less about this stuff but they know how badly I want to see the GotG movie, haha.

    I really wish I had him as a playable character in MH. I keep telling myself I should just save 400 ES to get him, but I can't justify waiting that long when I barely have any heroes already. But then I always get disappointed with another dupe character. Oh well, hoping for a Rocket bundle soon to promote movie.
  8. Degrothu

    Degrothu Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Thor

    Why:Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder and the son of Odin, the All-Father of Asgard and Gaea, the Elder Earth-Goddess. Combining the power of both worlds, Thor is arguably the greatest and mightiest defender of both . Armed with his powerful enchanted hammer Mjolnir, Thor is the mightiest warrior of Asgard, a founding member of the Avengers and one of the strongest, most powerful beings on Earth. Thor can summon and control the powers of the storm, causing rain, wind, thunder and lightning. With it, Thor has shown the ability to create electrical storms, hurricane winds, tornadoes, tidal waves, blizzards as well as earthquakes that have been shown to run across an entire planet. Thor wields one of the most powerful weapons in all of the Marvel Universe; the hammer called Mjolnir. Mjolnir was forged of the metal Uru, by Eitri the troll, for Odin and was given to Thor by him and is extremely durable and it said to be stronger then the virtually indestructible metal Adamantium. Mjolnir was granted mystical energies by Odin himself and has been shown to be able to survive being in extreme environments such as the heart of the sun itself and energy blasts that could have destroyed an entire galaxy. It impacts with sufficient force to "destroy mountains"
  9. Degrothu

    Degrothu Ogre Newling

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    Favorite Hero: Thor

    Why:Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder and the son of Odin, the All-Father of Asgard and Gaea, the Elder Earth-Goddess. Combining the power of both worlds, Thor is arguably the greatest and mightiest defender of both . Armed with his powerful enchanted hammer Mjolnir, Thor is the mightiest warrior of Asgard, a founding member of the Avengers and one of the strongest, most powerful beings on Earth. Thor can summon and control the powers of the storm, causing rain, wind, thunder and lightning. With it, Thor has shown the ability to create electrical storms, hurricane winds, tornadoes, tidal waves, blizzards as well as earthquakes that have been shown to run across an entire planet. Thor wields one of the most powerful weapons in all of the Marvel Universe; the hammer called Mjolnir. Mjolnir was forged of the metal Uru, by Eitri the troll, for Odin and was given to Thor by him and is extremely durable and it said to be stronger then the virtually indestructible metal Adamantium. Mjolnir was granted mystical energies by Odin himself and has been shown to be able to survive being in extreme environments such as the heart of the sun itself and energy blasts that could have destroyed an entire galaxy. It impacts with sufficient force to "destroy mountains"
  10. Barlimann

    Barlimann Ogre Newling

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    Favourite Hero : Wolverine

    Little rant to open things, necessary to clarify what will follow
    I discovered comic books in the early 80s in France (yes, i am rude, dirty but a passionate lover :p), at a time where what we got was several years delayed. So i had the chance to go through the golden years of the hero. And then came the 2000+ downfall.
    Apart from Aaron's W&TXM, basically, i've lost my character. He is a douche, merciless serial killer when he used to be a noble, tortured soul, on the borderline of shocking his teamates by being close to cross lines they would not.
    He was struggling to be a MAN over a beast, he was harsh, but reliable and so many things...
    So when i randomed him as my 16th char, i was uncertain of what to expect. Which version would it be ?
    Well, to be fair, the personal struggles aren't really covered in the game, so... so much for that.
    But gameplay wise, wow, he is soooo great !
    I've always favoured close characters over ranged, and there aren't many pure close chars in the game. The only other one i own is Luke cage, who is a hybrid summonner plus well... can't say i loved the time spent to bring him to 60.
    Wolverine, though, is wonderful. He slices n' dices, he rushes towards enemies, howls like the animal that sometimes gains the upper hand over him, he's really quick, his healing factor is reaaaally well represented : he is nigh unkillable; his samurai training is there too; heck he doesn't even use spirit, but Fury to be the best at what he does (and boy, that ain't pretty) !
    Gaz really nailed the key combat oriented specificities of the character.
    When i play Wolverine, i AM Wolverine !

    One last note, it was the very first character that really made me want to delve in the "brutal" mechanism of the game. He is made for that. And a character that has such unique features (fury, brutal and all of the above) will DEFINITELY be the first one i'll prestige to cosmic for sure.
  11. Barlimann

    Barlimann Ogre Newling

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    Favourite Hero : Wolverine

    Little rant to open things, necessary to clarify what will follow
    I discovered comic books in the early 80s in France (yes, i am rude, dirty but a passionate lover :p), at a time where what we got was several years delayed. So i had the chance to go through the golden years of the hero. And then came the 2000+ downfall.
    Apart from Aaron's W&TXM, basically, i've lost my character. He is a douche, merciless serial killer when he used to be a noble, tortured soul, on the borderline of shocking his teamates by being close to cross lines they would not.
    He was struggling to be a MAN over a beast, he was harsh, but reliable and so many things...
    So when i randomed him as my 16th char, i was uncertain of what to expect. Which version would it be ?
    Well, to be fair, the personal struggles aren't really covered in the game, so... so much for that.
    But gameplay wise, wow, he is soooo great !
    I've always favoured close characters over ranged, and there aren't many pure close chars in the game. The only other one i own is Luke cage, who is a hybrid summonner plus well... can't say i loved the time spent to bring him to 60.
    Wolverine, though, is wonderful. He slices n' dices, he rushes towards enemies, howls like the animal that sometimes gains the upper hand over him, he's really quick, his healing factor is reaaaally well represented : he is nigh unkillable; his samurai training is there too; heck he doesn't even use spirit, but Fury to be the best at what he does (and boy, that ain't pretty) !
    Gaz really nailed the key combat oriented specificities of the character.
    When i play Wolverine, i AM Wolverine !

    One last note, it was the very first character that really made me want to delve in the "brutal" mechanism of the game. He is made for that. And a character that has such unique features (fury, brutal and all of the above) will DEFINITELY be the first one i'll prestige to cosmic for sure.
  12. jph2nd

    jph2nd Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is Loki:
    The reason Loki is my favorite hero is because he is extremely versitile. He has stealth, spawns tanks, deals massive aoe damage, and great speed with his blink. What more could you ask for in a hero? He makes the game fun and make me not want to play any other heroes! If I could only cure the altitis I have... If faced with pondering which hero to choose, I assure you that there will be no disappointment in selecting Loki. Maxing my legendary was effortless as is Cosmic Curse farming for that infamous Gem of the Kursed.

    May I have a key please?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014
  13. jph2nd

    jph2nd Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is Loki:
    The reason Loki is my favorite hero is because he is extremely versitile. He has stealth, spawns tanks, deals massive aoe damage, and great speed with his blink. What more could you ask for in a hero? He makes the game fun and make me not want to play any other heroes! If I could only cure the altitis I have... If faced with pondering which hero to choose, I assure you that there will be no disappointment in selecting Loki. Maxing my legendary was effortless as is Cosmic Curse farming for that infamous Gem of the Kursed.

    May I have a key please?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014
  14. ajcrowder

    ajcrowder Ogre Newling

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    My favorite character to play is Captain America!

    He's always been my favorite Marvel hero and thankfully he was a starting character. There is nothing more satisfying than flinging that shield around and causing mass destruction!
  15. ajcrowder

    ajcrowder Ogre Newling

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    My favorite character to play is Captain America!

    He's always been my favorite Marvel hero and thankfully he was a starting character. There is nothing more satisfying than flinging that shield around and causing mass destruction!
  16. shellshock

    shellshock Ogre Newling

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    My favorite character: Jean Grey!

    Jean is a personal favorite of mine because of her beautiful animations, and her survivability. Phoenix form is absolutely my favorite, and its effects are absolutely amazing, and unlike no other in the game. Jean was the first character I played, first character I bought (in her Founders pack), and I've enjoyed and loved every second of playing with her.
  17. shellshock

    shellshock Ogre Newling

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    My favorite character: Jean Grey!

    Jean is a personal favorite of mine because of her beautiful animations, and her survivability. Phoenix form is absolutely my favorite, and its effects are absolutely amazing, and unlike no other in the game. Jean was the first character I played, first character I bought (in her Founders pack), and I've enjoyed and loved every second of playing with her.
  18. Codface

    Codface Ogre Newling

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    My favourite is Black Widow.

    Good training and skill outdo any super powers. Plus what is not to like about a cat suit.

    I first liked her when playing storm and was totally carried as a nub by a win mode widow who kept us both in until round 26 before hulk smashed me. I said sorry and the guy was so nice about it. Following that I had to play her so emptied my christmas steam cash wallet and bought her :). She has been my main hero since and my very favourite. Just wish I knew or could remember that players name to thank them. Dam I'd give them the code just for making my day :D
  19. Codface

    Codface Ogre Newling

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    My favourite is Black Widow.

    Good training and skill outdo any super powers. Plus what is not to like about a cat suit.

    I first liked her when playing storm and was totally carried as a nub by a win mode widow who kept us both in until round 26 before hulk smashed me. I said sorry and the guy was so nice about it. Following that I had to play her so emptied my christmas steam cash wallet and bought her :). She has been my main hero since and my very favourite. Just wish I knew or could remember that players name to thank them. Dam I'd give them the code just for making my day :D
  20. violess

    violess BamBam

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    It´s Iron Man.
    Cuz he could have everything he wants with his money, but he´s using his own created power to protect the helpless. This is an act of a real Hero.

    The brain of the avengers.
    Every other Hero knows, when someone is in danger....Iron Man comes!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014
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