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Marvel Heroes Random Hero Box Key Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. infidelguy

    infidelguy Ogre Newling

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    Favorite hero: Iron Man
    Why: Sleek, intelligent, rich and a born leader, he commands real respect with that suit of armor he designed himself. Equipped with rockets and lasers, he is a real menace on the battlefield. Its a real charm controlling him in game.

    Staying true to the dungeon crawler genre with a hybrid features of a MMORPG makes marvel heroes one of the most addictive games since diablo 2.

    I'm definitely sticking around for a long, long time. I'll be sure to post this on facebook to get more friends to play this incredible game.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  2. Funnydummy

    Funnydummy Ogre Newling

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    Iron Man

    Just because he´s an amazing person. Money, women and an never ending power makes him so damn awesome for me.

    And on Marvel Heroes he´s an amazing char. Very powerful and really fun to play.
  3. Funnydummy

    Funnydummy Ogre Newling

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    Iron Man

    Just because he´s an amazing person. Money, women and an never ending power makes him so damn awesome for me.

    And on Marvel Heroes he´s an amazing char. Very powerful and really fun to play.
  4. MagicOgre

    MagicOgre Ogre Newling

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    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Favourite hero (in disguise) is easily Loki. Between his awesome black magic and the mischief he causes with his illusions, he's hands down the most fun and interesting to play.
  5. MagicOgre

    MagicOgre Ogre Newling

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    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Favourite hero (in disguise) is easily Loki. Between his awesome black magic and the mischief he causes with his illusions, he's hands down the most fun and interesting to play.
  6. bitterfrost13

    bitterfrost13 Ogre Newling

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    Fave Character:rocket racoon+groot+guns+turrets=stand there and watch death
    To launch to what this game has become now, its been a long trip.Thy could have packed it in a milked the license but they didn't.They completely overhauled there own game for the better.That's what i like about this game its always growing and evolving with constant communication between players developers of all levels.What other game are you going get that,other games only talk to when they have to<_<.If your favorite character isn't in the currently there's a very good chance at the rate there going its going get crazy on the roster page and there's always team ups.
    Its worth the look and worth the time
  7. bitterfrost13

    bitterfrost13 Ogre Newling

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    Fave Character:rocket racoon+groot+guns+turrets=stand there and watch death
    To launch to what this game has become now, its been a long trip.Thy could have packed it in a milked the license but they didn't.They completely overhauled there own game for the better.That's what i like about this game its always growing and evolving with constant communication between players developers of all levels.What other game are you going get that,other games only talk to when they have to<_<.If your favorite character isn't in the currently there's a very good chance at the rate there going its going get crazy on the roster page and there's always team ups.
    Its worth the look and worth the time
  8. forumen

    forumen Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is Nightcrawler.

    He has the best ability ever : teleport. He can be anywhere in the world, see every place in under minutes. Using this ability not only for fast moving :) but for combat too! You can't ever know where would he popup, bam-bam-bam and he is behind in-front of or above you, unable to fight back. Plus he can grab you to teleport with, and he can teleport you to death (to great height and just let you go... muhaha :) )
    And not just this. He learned expert acrobatics during his time (childhood) so he is very agile. Combine these two powers and you get mutant who is AWESOME!
    Yet he is very noble, concerning his looks and his abilities.

    I would probably forget to walk if I had his ability :)
  9. forumen

    forumen Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is Nightcrawler.

    He has the best ability ever : teleport. He can be anywhere in the world, see every place in under minutes. Using this ability not only for fast moving :) but for combat too! You can't ever know where would he popup, bam-bam-bam and he is behind in-front of or above you, unable to fight back. Plus he can grab you to teleport with, and he can teleport you to death (to great height and just let you go... muhaha :) )
    And not just this. He learned expert acrobatics during his time (childhood) so he is very agile. Combine these two powers and you get mutant who is AWESOME!
    Yet he is very noble, concerning his looks and his abilities.

    I would probably forget to walk if I had his ability :)
  10. Greindel

    Greindel Ogre Newling

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    1st of all, hello to everyone i'm new to your forum i discovered it recently and i think its very cool with all those discussions about games and specific characters and stories etc. :)

    i started marvel heroes some weeks ago and i loved it its a free funny game with multiple choices on heroes and play styles, before you get bored of the hero you choose you can get another random hero to start over ^^
    Favorite hero: Iron Man

    Reason: the guy is a genius he made his own super armor he can fly, he can shoot rockets ^^
    in game the character is a track at least he hits like one:p he can have multiple builds like many others but his AOE skills can compare to only some of the other heroes he does have a melee spec not that powerfull tbh the build i am using now is not spirit dependant meaning i can spam my spirit spender skills w/o ever run out of spirit ^^{isnt that awesome?all tha heroes in game are restricted by the use of spirit but iron man is not!}

    P.S.: The guy can shoot a huge laser beam from his chest!!!
  11. Greindel

    Greindel Ogre Newling

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    1st of all, hello to everyone i'm new to your forum i discovered it recently and i think its very cool with all those discussions about games and specific characters and stories etc. :)

    i started marvel heroes some weeks ago and i loved it its a free funny game with multiple choices on heroes and play styles, before you get bored of the hero you choose you can get another random hero to start over ^^
    Favorite hero: Iron Man

    Reason: the guy is a genius he made his own super armor he can fly, he can shoot rockets ^^
    in game the character is a track at least he hits like one:p he can have multiple builds like many others but his AOE skills can compare to only some of the other heroes he does have a melee spec not that powerfull tbh the build i am using now is not spirit dependant meaning i can spam my spirit spender skills w/o ever run out of spirit ^^{isnt that awesome?all tha heroes in game are restricted by the use of spirit but iron man is not!}

    P.S.: The guy can shoot a huge laser beam from his chest!!!
  12. mikesmith

    mikesmith Ogre Newling

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    hello i just saw this page....my favorite hero is spiderman. why cuase i love his powers his humor and the costume basically everything about him =D
    been a fan of his for years....and Marvel Heroes had done an amasing job with him in this game.
    btw not evan sure if the code givaway is atill going on evan so i still shared lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  13. mikesmith

    mikesmith Ogre Newling

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    hello i just saw this page....my favorite hero is spiderman. why cuase i love his powers his humor and the costume basically everything about him =D
    been a fan of his for years....and Marvel Heroes had done an amasing job with him in this game.
    btw not evan sure if the code givaway is atill going on evan so i still shared lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
  14. chaoscollector

    chaoscollector Ogre Newling

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    Marvel Heroes character review

    here's my review!:) Apologies if I'm doing this wrong, haha!

    Favourite Character: Deadpool

    Deadpool is a character I was actually only recently introduced to in Spider-man shattered dimensions despite being a marvel fan for 15 years! how I managed to ignore his existence before playing Spider-man astonished me after I saw what sort of character he was! I was instantly drawn to his hilarious character and couldn't get over how he managed to appear both incredibly dangerous and ridiculous at the same time!

    So naturally I purchased him soon after registering for marvel heroes and have had no regrets! If his side-splitting dialogue with other characters or one liners aren't enough, his incredibly universal abilities will suffice!

    This was definitely what I enjoyed about Deadpool's game play the most, I could choose to play ranged by using his grenades, lil' deadpool or his numerous gun attacks, the newly added "not-so mini gun" being my favourite because of it's added boss and elite damage! and of course his "body slide by one" teleport is always a plus, especially for me since I like to move through area's quickly!

    On top of this, I can choose to focus on the more close combat attacks like "big ol' stab" which is an attack I made sure to max out due to it's sheer power which is great for taking out tougher enemies.

    Finally, He has a pirate costume, which instantly equals win!
  15. chaoscollector

    chaoscollector Ogre Newling

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    Marvel Heroes character review

    here's my review!:) Apologies if I'm doing this wrong, haha!

    Favourite Character: Deadpool

    Deadpool is a character I was actually only recently introduced to in Spider-man shattered dimensions despite being a marvel fan for 15 years! how I managed to ignore his existence before playing Spider-man astonished me after I saw what sort of character he was! I was instantly drawn to his hilarious character and couldn't get over how he managed to appear both incredibly dangerous and ridiculous at the same time!

    So naturally I purchased him soon after registering for marvel heroes and have had no regrets! If his side-splitting dialogue with other characters or one liners aren't enough, his incredibly universal abilities will suffice!

    This was definitely what I enjoyed about Deadpool's game play the most, I could choose to play ranged by using his grenades, lil' deadpool or his numerous gun attacks, the newly added "not-so mini gun" being my favourite because of it's added boss and elite damage! and of course his "body slide by one" teleport is always a plus, especially for me since I like to move through area's quickly!

    On top of this, I can choose to focus on the more close combat attacks like "big ol' stab" which is an attack I made sure to max out due to it's sheer power which is great for taking out tougher enemies.

    Finally, He has a pirate costume, which instantly equals win!
  16. Squidd_

    Squidd_ Ogre Newling

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    My Favourite character on Marvel Heroes

    If you consider yourself an honourable , courageous and victorious person. Then you're surely going to love Captain America. Equipped with a mighty vibranium shield and combat prowess he reigns death from above with shield expertise and airborne assaults.

    I personally have always have known of marvel and captain Rogers as I consider him my favourite Hero from the silver screens to comic books. I am a more modern follower of marvel and enjoy the current Marvel blockbuster like Avengers Assemble. The whole cast is great however I believe the First Avenger is a spirited leader, invigorating and aggressive and retains a fighting spirit amongst the toughest of times.

    In game , he is very straight forward as he is a starter hero , don't be phased by the easy access hero as some people tend to believe that if their free they must be bad. However with the Captain, many hours will be enjoyed as you cruise through to LvL 52 an shout "Avengers Assemble" to be joined by some of Marvel's mightiest heroes. His combat is very much like is personality, he is a closer range fighter with only a few area of effect attacks (Aoe's). With a whole talent tree dedicated to auras and helpful buffs , you can be sure to be a solid and helpful role in x-defenses or a holo-sim.
  17. Squidd_

    Squidd_ Ogre Newling

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    My Favourite character on Marvel Heroes

    If you consider yourself an honourable , courageous and victorious person. Then you're surely going to love Captain America. Equipped with a mighty vibranium shield and combat prowess he reigns death from above with shield expertise and airborne assaults.

    I personally have always have known of marvel and captain Rogers as I consider him my favourite Hero from the silver screens to comic books. I am a more modern follower of marvel and enjoy the current Marvel blockbuster like Avengers Assemble. The whole cast is great however I believe the First Avenger is a spirited leader, invigorating and aggressive and retains a fighting spirit amongst the toughest of times.

    In game , he is very straight forward as he is a starter hero , don't be phased by the easy access hero as some people tend to believe that if their free they must be bad. However with the Captain, many hours will be enjoyed as you cruise through to LvL 52 an shout "Avengers Assemble" to be joined by some of Marvel's mightiest heroes. His combat is very much like is personality, he is a closer range fighter with only a few area of effect attacks (Aoe's). With a whole talent tree dedicated to auras and helpful buffs , you can be sure to be a solid and helpful role in x-defenses or a holo-sim.
  18. felipemxt

    felipemxt Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero : storm

    x-men is my favorite film , i like this. In game storm's are very poweful because the powers in area.

    key please, i have 2 heroes, storm and rocket raccon, must more heroes please
  19. felipemxt

    felipemxt Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero : storm

    x-men is my favorite film , i like this. In game storm's are very poweful because the powers in area.

    key please, i have 2 heroes, storm and rocket raccon, must more heroes please
  20. Lobster101

    Lobster101 Ogre Newling

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    First off, I just wanted to say what an amazing game Marvel Heroes 2015 is. There are so many great characters in the game and in the comic book world that it's hard to choose.

    However, I would have to say my favorite hero is Loki. Though he may be a villain sometimes, I always like to try to see a "bad guy's" point of view. I feel Loki was more than slightly cheated in the whole "become king of Asgard" deal, and Thor was kind of a jerk to him. I love his actor, Tom Hiddleston, and Loki's whole mischievous personality. That makes him my favorite hero/villain in the Marvel Universe.

    Tied with Loki is definitely Deadpool. A warped sense of humor mixed with fourth-wall breaking is the perfect combination for me! I can't wait to play this guy in game.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway, and I you could send me a key, I'd really appreciate it.

    Oh, and I also reviewed this game here:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
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