Team Solomid won LCS Summer Split and qualified for Worlds. Doublelift carried CLG to Worlds, even if he is not on team anymore.
Yea that is huge hit for CLG, they spent most of their time practicing him, he was main counter to cass for them, as aphroo said, enemy had 4 bans, we only 3. But still, even if Doublelft wasnt on is best, they still won, also i think that even if they got ASol, Bjerg would still win that lane
I didnt heard any1 that blame TSM, even CLG members said that it wasnt their fault, they were saying that they were just unlucky and that TSM was much better. Sill they also went on worlds, so everything should be ok
Imaqtpie, Dyrus, Voyboy, Shiphtur and Scara are joining Ecofox challeger team, am so exited to be able to watch them again. What do you think about this ?