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Ogre Warlord Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Ogre Wars' started by ogreman, Apr 11, 2011.

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  1. Thedarkboy

    Thedarkboy Anime Geek Ogre Veteran

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    FYI, if you are posting to get battle points this is the wrong thread. And I kind of doubt that someone will count that for you. Everything is a mess, and you didn't even write which were offenses and defenses. I already know that all of the ones that includes me, were failure. I successfully defended against all of your attacks, and successfully attacked, which means that many of those you reported are probably failures from your part.
  2. griller

    griller Banned

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    EnemyActionDate/TimeOffenseCasualtiesDefenseCasualtiesLootOutcomechrislisaSpy MissionOctober 30, 11:56 PM460 Spies00 Spies0gSuccessufbreAttack RaidOctober 28, 06:51 PM1258872843 Troops3374571191 Troops702gSuccessogremanAttack RaidOctober 28, 03:33 AM258774953 Troops2033701161 Troops799gSuccessufbreSpy MissionOctober 26, 12:18 PM480 Spies00 Spies0gSuccessEl Monstro De GalletaSpy MissionOctober 26, 04:13 AM1350 Spies00 Spies0gSuccess
  3. griller

    griller Banned

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    The last 5 are defense and the rest are offense.
  4. Specijalac

    Specijalac Elite Ogre Ogre Warrior

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    MsDestroyer Attack Raid April 04, 07:59 PM 36041 0 Troops 3014 345 Troops 0g Success
    dani23 Attack Raid March 21, 11:33 PM 3344 101 Troops 976 13 Troops 1g Success
  5. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    I started to play ogre wars and i like this game ^^
  6. speedyturtle

    speedyturtle Spiked Club Ogre Veteran

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    Successful Offenses

    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 14, 11:57 AM 4294967295 35647 Troops 4294967295 58774 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 14, 11:57 AM 4294967295 32425 Troops 1933868401 66745 Troops 596g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 12, 10:00 PM 4294967295 31472 Troops 2851806071 62407 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 12, 10:00 PM 4294967295 36607 Troops 3539337256 61233 Troops 89g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 10, 09:59 PM 4294967295 26123 Troops 1407703673 61512 Troops 338319g Success
    ogreman Attack Raid April 10, 09:59 PM 4294967295 3809 Troops 850371474 90626 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 09, 10:39 AM 4294967295 22060 Troops 2975684688 43847 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 08, 10:15 PM 4294967295 14386 Troops 1844512271 51769 Troops 149823g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid April 08, 10:15 PM 4294967295 15728 Troops 2356429043 43819 Troops 0g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid April 08, 10:15 PM 4294967295 26957 Troops 4294967295 37394 Troops 129g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 08, 10:15 PM 4294967295 23733 Troops 3626601622 40005 Troops 0g Success
    ogreman Attack Raid April 08, 10:14 PM 4294967295 15003 Troops 1700626477 56803 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 08, 10:14 PM 4170075749 33084 Troops 4294967295 37059 Troops 0g Failure
    Samiabhatti Attack Raid April 08, 10:14 PM 4294967295 24432 Troops 2908844945 56706 Troops 664g Success
    Kingsfield Attack Raid April 08, 10:13 PM 4294967295 0 Troops 738314920 87241 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 07, 06:21 PM 4294967295 24294 Troops 3533001477 49820 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 07, 12:26 PM 4294967295 26451 Troops 2423998592 48724 Troops 731g Success
    Hawx1990SRBIJA Attack Raid April 07, 12:25 PM 4294967295 0 Troops 643697674 81207 Troops 0g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid April 07, 12:25 PM 4294967295 29390 Troops 4294967295 47896 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 07, 12:25 PM 4294967295 28505 Troops 2564822117 55671 Troops 0g Success
    ogreman Attack Raid April 07, 12:24 PM 4294967295 28725 Troops 1524830819 59118 Troops 0g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid April 07, 12:24 PM 4294967295 34609 Troops 4294967295 57999 Troops 555g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 06, 09:48 PM 4294967295 23508 Troops 1645463927 75646 Troops 0g Success
    Hawx1990SRBIJA Attack Raid April 06, 09:47 PM 4294967295 7838 Troops 994911093 97707 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid April 06, 05:09 PM 4242056614 36010 Troops 2141654050 60770 Troops 45927g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid April 03, 08:24 AM 4294967295 31320 Troops 4197040486 48504 Troops 1557g Success
    Hawx1990SRBIJA Attack Raid April 03, 08:24 AM 4294967295 7757 Troops 684595278 80767 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 03, 08:24 AM 4294967295 0 Troops 928052885 89741 Troops 0g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid April 03, 08:23 AM 4294967295 31600 Troops 1784789133 57637 Troops 0g Success
    Samiabhatti Attack Raid April 03, 08:23 AM 4294967295 32127 Troops 2377521213 61492 Troops 0g Success
    Samiabhatti Attack Raid April 03, 08:23 AM 4294967295 37406 Troops 2235348933 65981 Troops 388g Success
    Hawx1990SRBIJA Attack Raid March 29, 11:17 AM 4294967295 12688 Troops 1041525275 40750 Troops 0g Success
    PolanWalker Attack Raid March 29, 11:17 AM 4294967295 0 Troops 423383595 58214 Troops 1572g Success
    ogreman Attack Raid March 29, 11:17 AM 4294967295 6606 Troops 881838184 50605 Troops 0g Success
    El Monstro De Galleta Attack Raid March 29, 11:06 AM 4294967295 9407 Troops 664953058 50523 Troops 0g Success
    CrownKnight Attack Raid March 29, 11:06 AM 4294967295 0 Troops 159035575 63154 Troops 0g Success
    Samiabhatti Attack Raid March 29, 11:05 AM 4294967295 12955 Troops 1483291795 49309 Troops 4912g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid March 28, 11:31 AM 4294967295 14157 Troops 2041608389 45323 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid March 28, 11:30 AM 4123466915 19876 Troops 1674056161 39717 Troops 1579g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid March 28, 11:30 AM 4294967295 22624 Troops 4294967295 38179 Troops 536g Success
    Kingsfield Attack Raid March 28, 11:29 AM 4294967295 7562 Troops 692261819 59127 Troops 0g Success
    chrislisa Attack Raid March 28, 11:28 AM 4294967295 2546 Troops 819753250 65912 Troops 627g Success
    pureevil4 Attack Raid March 28, 11:28 AM 3848587680 17216 Troops 952786266 50977 Troops 0g Success

    Successful Defenses

    shaki997 Spy Mission April 03, 11:38 AM 29 42 Spies 16277 5 Spies 0g Failure
    Flupix Attack Raid March 30, 10:44 AM 173498 2065 Troops 1414174911 0 Troops 0g Failure
    Samiabhatti Attack Raid March 29, 11:20 AM 253861858 56708 Troops 2503416382 2097 Troops 0g Failure
    chrislisa Attack Raid March 29, 11:16 AM 494532315 45954 Troops 2828298899 8688 Troops 0g Failure
  7. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    You won again, Speedy:).

    Might try to do something fun with the Ogre Warlord in the next season:).
  8. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    No battles to report this season?
  9. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Now is the time to start reporting these again. Wiped the leaderboard clean.
  10. Hawx1990SRBIJA

    Hawx1990SRBIJA Iron Ogre Ogre Veteran

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    No one want to show its strength.
  11. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Well then nobody gets the medal this season then:).
  12. FrendlyLeBlanc

    FrendlyLeBlanc King of Shadows and Rockets The Pit

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    Enemy Action Date/Time Offense Casualties Defense Casualties Loot Outcome
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 473714587 1583 Troops 53623678 14448 Troops 0g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 500896153 946 Troops 54445018 15431 Troops 0g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 384408675 0 Troops 37646384 16243 Troops 1170g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 357228264 0 Troops 112908 16243 Troops 0g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 217443291 0 Troops 137689 16243 Troops 0g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 23, 01:43 PM 508661985 0 Troops 122583 16243 Troops 2366g Success
    MilanDiamond Attack Raid August 23, 01:42 PM 434886582 0 Troops 77704 16243 Troops 0g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 23, 01:42 PM 462066994 0 Troops 415168 16243 Troops 0g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 23, 01:42 PM 543608228 0 Troops 284045 16243 Troops 0g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 23, 01:41 PM 504779069 0 Troops 633900 16243 Troops 2366g Success
    MilanDiamond Attack Raid August 22, 03:21 PM 441740820 0 Troops 122647 14397 Troops 0g Success
    Saki Attack Raid August 22, 03:21 PM 464788168 0 Troops 31063253 14397 Troops 0g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:35 PM 330050613 12485 Troops 243368317 9291 Troops 71979g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:35 PM 493149716 12024 Troops 245410396 11578 Troops 84464g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:35 PM 361138986 14627 Troops 210943960 12222 Troops 96488g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:34 PM 349503638 15885 Troops 253555876 13970 Troops 111115g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:34 PM 357286313 17313 Troops 213003604 15874 Troops 127000g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 22, 01:34 PM 252442851 18929 Troops 233310311 17956 Troops 144313g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 22, 01:34 PM 512653175 0 Troops 46094188 32648 Troops 0g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 22, 01:34 PM 341768783 0 Troops 28882476 32648 Troops 6162g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 21, 01:03 PM 431092818 0 Troops 215862 32306 Troops 0g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 21, 01:03 PM 535953233 0 Troops 202917 32306 Troops 2431g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 21, 01:03 PM 392255627 0 Troops 581757 32306 Troops 0g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 21, 01:03 PM 225255707 0 Troops 531436 32306 Troops 2416g Success
    ivekvv256 Attack Raid August 20, 01:31 PM 364395700 13620 Troops 57962122 46264 Troops 108g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 19, 10:19 AM 460639636 0 Troops 437537 56109 Troops 2535g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 19, 10:18 AM 343760922 0 Troops 277405 56109 Troops 87185g Success

    Success offense from 19 august to today :)
  13. FrendlyLeBlanc

    FrendlyLeBlanc King of Shadows and Rockets The Pit

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    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 25, 01:54 PM 174222547 2921 Troops 129411435 4586 Troops 351g Success
    nikiwild Attack Raid August 25, 01:53 PM 341870658 0 Troops 641425 8339 Troops 0g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 25, 11:02 AM 184072933 0 Troops 62559 8337 Troops 208g Success
    MilanDiamond Attack Raid August 25, 11:01 AM 433883784 0 Troops 44647 8337 Troops 0g Success
    Aki013 Attack Raid August 25, 11:01 AM 328699836 0 Troops 491507 8337 Troops 195g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid August 25, 11:01 AM 497338431 1563 Troops 93771532 6487 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid August 25, 11:01 AM 406184174 2258 Troops 98988325 6371 Troops 195g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 25, 11:00 AM 261693678 2281 Troops 52369225 6690 Troops 195g Success
    Saki Attack Raid August 25, 11:00 AM 204772143 779 Troops 24178227 8742 Troops 0g Success
    nikiwild Attack Raid August 25, 11:00 AM 436847239 0 Troops 828894 9713 Troops 0g Success
    Saki Attack Raid August 24, 02:06 PM 356082500 0 Troops 16698793 12125 Troops 0g Success
    nikiwild Attack Raid August 24, 02:06 PM 225276683 0 Troops 661216 12125 Troops 0g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 24, 12:52 PM 323913740 4905 Troops 290088765 7208 Troops 13g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid August 24, 12:52 PM 353035313 3987 Troops 96404821 9037 Troops 0g Success
    Mordekaiser Attack Raid August 24, 12:52 PM 406338332 4035 Troops 99890710 10297 Troops 403g Success
    ivekvv256 Attack Raid August 24, 12:51 PM 465944602 3970 Troops 144479604 9983 Troops 72823g Success
    SvEmIrAc Attack Raid August 24, 12:50 PM 376638553 0 Troops 51077 15358 Troops 1105g Success
    Ckalja99 Attack Raid August 24, 12:50 PM 512539062 0 Troops 49604101 15358 Troops 1105g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 24, 12:49 PM 493139906 5149 Troops 140593488 11539 Troops 221g Success
    thegoldbeaster Attack Raid August 24, 12:49 PM
  14. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, this has been reset since the previous holder is not playing this season.

    Natdanai will get it first since he is driving the Gold Beasts almost single-handedly this season:).
  15. Sle91

    Sle91 Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

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    Congrats Nat. :)
  16. Natdanai

    Natdanai Ogre Master Ogre Veteran

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    arZ Attack Raid March 16, 03:22 PM 56659975 59115 Troops 18039890 118127 Troops 312g Success
    Aaddron Attack Raid March 16, 06:35 PM 111721545 47479 Troops 24266492 118940 Troops 672g Success
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2017
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