So, how if someone forget 2nd roll dice but doing 3rd roll... So it counting as 0 or he/she must rolling for it?
If somebody fails to roll, they get 0 points for it. We are currently having Ironhead vs. Ironhead battles only.
Think we need somebody who records every battle in the Challenge thread because it appears that the Ironheads, including myself, are bad about not reporting battles.
How does Ogre War Challenges work now? Been confused on how this game works since it seems like everyone's playing it slightly differently. Can you challenge 3 players at a time? The Ogre Wars Challenges thread explicitly says "only one person can battle two players at most at the same time", but it seems like everyone's been challenging 3 players, and I remembered the limit being 2 last time. What if the opponent misses a day to roll their die? This one probably needs a bit more clarification since some players are counting rounds differently. Does that missed day count as a roll of 0 and the opponent has to move to the the next round (like if the opponent rolled for day 1, but did not roll for day 2, do they just roll for day 3 now), or can the opponent catch up. I've been seeing conflicts where one player might count rolls as zeroes if the opponent didn't roll for a day, while the opponent that missed a day might play catchup (like if they missed day 2, they'll say "2nd vs player" instead of moving to the 3rd round with "3rd vs player"). And if the latter is the case (where the opponent can play catchup), what is the number of days that the opponent can be absent until a game officially ends in a DNF (did not finished)? And suppose that the player is on round 3 while the opponent is still on round 1 of a game; can the player even begin a new game starting at round 1 even though the previous game hasn't been finished yet? And if the former is the case, where missed days count as a roll of 0, what is considered a missed day, since time zone conflicts can happen? Like would it just be not rolling within 24 hours (maybe 48 hours instead since someone might roll at 1 AM on a Sunday then 11 PM on a Monday which is technically more than 24 hours but would still be considered rolling for a day), or would it be not rolling before midnight of a specific time zone (Eastern standard time? Texas time?)? Also, can a player start a new round instead of playing out round 3, if they already know that they've won? For example, say that the opponent had all three rounds with small rolls like (21 + 15 + 30) and you've played two rounds with something like (70 + 50); you've already won in just two rounds so it would be better to just start a new round instead of rolling for round 3 where it wouldn't even matter. I feel like this would create some confusion with the two players since one player could be recording scores using their own scoreboard while the other player is just going by each player saying "1st, 2nd, 3rd" to denote rounds.
The last post was a bit lengthy, but here's another question since this is another thing I've been seeing in Ogre Wars Challenges. Say that you start a round, but the opponent doesn't accept the challenge until two or more days later. Assuming the opponent starts two days later after a player starts a round, does the opponent start their round with "1st vs player", does the round for the opponent start at "2nd vs player", or does the whole game just reset for both players with the opponent starting off the round? I'd imagine the latter would make the most sense. And I'd imagine you can never have rounds like this; yet, I've seen some people record scores like this in Events: (0 + # + #), where 0 would mean no roll and # would mean any roll, because both the player and the opponent will have to accept the challenge meaning both players will always have a first roll. It wouldn't be fair for the opponent to face the player at a disadvantage, after all, so that's why recording a score of 0 for the first round makes no sense at all.