TehPieGuy pureevil4 tehnoobshow superfruit dmt_2000 zamorak rooneyray thats the desert god okay o.0 those people will be sent trivia pts. wow major kill pts and new question will be up in a few.
New Trivia: Name a piece of Barrows armour or weapon that you can receive from the Barrows Minigame. Please do not say sets.
Kingsfield AZUK Pureevil4 tehnoobshow tehpieguy Thedarkboy meluvia supramedo dmt_2000 that is not a barrows item AZUK take any questions to PM. But I will answer your question on Akrisae. Spoiler: ROTM SPOILER If you haven't done ROTM you probably won't know what Akrisae is or if you didn't do While Guthix Sleeps, you won't know who Akrisae is at all. He is a new barrows brother created by the mahjarrat Sliske at the end of ROTM quest. This trivia will end early since the trivia seemed to get more attention. I will send points out to those above who are correct. A new trivia will be up soon after.