I can finally start to use Muse Sona. She has spaghetti arms before ._. New spell icons are also lovely. Guess I'll see when I get to play her for gamestyle.
i just played 3 games with sona on teambuilder, i think she's more or less the same, just a little bit more fun to play. i will definitely play her more now. i need another support for ranked, ive played only nami long enough...
Soraka and lulu also have supp spells and they were op on midd, not to mention, oriana lux ... U cant determent champs positions cause spells.
Ive tried so many support on midd, for example i lost midd with Soraka only once for 2 years that ive played her, also tried Janna she is op in teamfigths but she is bad in leaning phase, she dont provide any threat, u can just farm to be strong for teamfigth . I wanted to try Sona, but for now i didnt, but she have potential fot that i will definitely try her
DJ Sona League of Legends Teaser You probably think this is just a 3 songs that riot made for fun, or u thought it's a skin. Well it is both. They made 3 songs entertainment to Sona's Legendary or Legacy skin, but i still wonder why Sona? Why no Synra or idk RIVEN? Tell me in comments what u think of this and i will se ya all next time
Sona is great support. She is going to get new skin soon, DJ Sona, which will probably be Ultimate or Legendary. It is probably Legendary, because Legacy skins are old ones, not the new.