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Spiked Ogre Battles Forum Event

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ogreman, Aug 12, 2019.

Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.
  1. Ylber

    Ylber Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 7

    Posting at least 200 points a day for 7 straight days unlocks = 1000 extra points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Fastest stock in smash ultimate
    Can hero complete the jumping challenge?
    Funniest fails in smash ultimate
    Low % stocks in smash utlimate
    Skillful snipes in smash ultimate

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points
    OgreMedia Twitch Channel Livestream Official Thread
    League of Legends Thug Life
    Darkfall New Dawn Trailer
    GameOgre Youtube Channel
    Tyler1 new video

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points
    Launch 4 strike squad smash ultimate

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day
    What did you eat today?
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    Community post-it wall

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Jail Break
    Ogre Bowl
    Find the Blue moglin
    Ogre eyes
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)
    100 meter dash
    play 1 in 24 survival
    1 starship
    2D knock out

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 2330 points
  2. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 7

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in anOgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars =30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and notcountable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Blue Ogre Jail Break
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Big Blue Ogre Duels

    Having a duel at Big Blue Ogre Duels = 100 Points

    total 1180 points
  3. Wilder94

    Wilder94 Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 8:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 Points

    Playing any dice game on the forum besidesOgre Wars = 30 points per day
  4. Ylber

    Ylber Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 8

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points (level 1, phase 5)

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    The hero vs buffed characters
    Hero battle M2K vs salem
    Should you main Hero?
    Every Hero move analyzed in detail

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points
    Can you make a video?
    Video surprise
    Restaurant city - Layout
    Shadows die twice
    Random LoL moments

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points
    The Most DISRESPECTFUL Match In Smash Bros Ultimate!! CEO 2019 Pools Highlights - YouTube

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    Community post-it wall
    Movie Soundtracks

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Eyes
    Ogre Bowl
    Find the blue moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Ogre Jail Break

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)
    100 meter dash
    play 1 in 24 survival
    1 starship
    2D knock out

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1430 points
  5. Day 8:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    They Remade Revenge In Minecraft - YouTube
    I bred a PANDA ARMY in Minecraft - YouTube
    MINECRAFT RTX GAMEPLAY - Early Exclusive First Look - YouTube
    Hermitcraft 6: The Librarians! (Minecraft 1.14.4 Ep. 166) - YouTube
    THE GREAT PILLAGER WAR! - How To Minecraft #9 (Season 6) - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play 32768 Invaders
    Play Asteroids
    Play Mega Jump Ice Edition
    Play Snake

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Returning player, what would you recommend?
    AQ3D Experiences

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  6. Rex

    Rex Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 8:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Curse of the Blue Ogre

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    AQ3D Korn Live Event...before it crashed. - YouTube
    AQ3D: Enraged Valek Solo Raid Test Run! - YouTube
    AQ3D New Perma RARE Title And Items Coming Today! AdventureQuest 3D - YouTube
    AQ3D - 1 more day to KORN's LIVE CONCERT @Coliseum!! How to participate? - YouTube
    Defeating Thrash first time server wide AQ3D - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 points (Limit 4 per day)
    75 x 4 = 300 points
    How to Make Money on Online Games Without Spending
    Ogres of Doom
    Top Strategies for Winning at Online Games
    Future of Mobile Games with the Upcoming Apex Legends Mobile Game

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)
    25 x 4 = 100 points
    Play !Dots! | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1471 Renaissance (Timefighter) | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1 Starship | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1 in 24 Survival v2 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points
    G2 Esports vs. Team Empire – Raleigh Major 2019 – Grand Finals – Day Six - YouTube

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Community Post-it Wall
    What's your favorite food?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    50 x 5 = 250 points

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,530 points
  7. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 8:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Asking a Trivia Question while processing the last one (for those who run trivia) = 150 points
    AQ3D Trivia

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    DNG Itabashi Zangief (Abigail) vs RB Snake Eyez (Akuma) - SCR 2018 Day 2 Top 32 - SFV - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    What will your Guild Name be if you create one?
    Players trolling. is it good or nah ?
    AQ3D VR!
    AQ3D community development
    Do you think AQ3D will surpass AQW in popularity?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQ3D Experiences
    How often have you won a giveaway?
    Returning player, what would you recommend?

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Eyes
    Ogre Bowl
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Find the Blue Moglin

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100
    13 Days in Hell
    13 Days In Hell Easy
    3 Foot Ninja
    3 Foot Ninja 2 v2

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    (Hearthstone) Can Tess Save Uldum? - YouTube
    ZUL’JIN Has Taken Over Rastakhan! - Rastakhan’s Rumble Run Hearthstone - YouTube
    TREESPEAKER Turns Out To Be FIVE STARS?! - Rastakhan’s Rumble Hearthstone - YouTube
    My Highlander Hunter Deck is Getting Popular! | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone - YouTube
    0 Mana 80 Damage Major Combo - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Path of Exile: The Cyclone Slayer Build
    The Most Popular Online Arcade Games
    Best MMORPGs To Play in 2019
    What Is a Loot Box and Why Is It Banned?

    Total: 1,830 points
  8. Chai

    Chai Ogre Hall of Fame Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 8:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Runescape 3 RARES Staking.. PARTYHAT PARADISE! - YouTube
    They Hacked My Account... But I Only Became Stronger | IronMain [#1] - YouTube
    This is why I Shouldn't Pk on my Ironman - YouTube

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Happy Ogremas!

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Eyes
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Ogre Bowl
    Ogre Jail Break

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) - 50 x 5 = 250 Points
    Full songs from Animes!!! Come and enjoy the music :D
    Anime AMV/MAD/Songs Thread
    Song of the day!
    Funny Images
    Full songs from Animes!!! Come and enjoy the music :D

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 930 Points
  9. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  10. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Blue Ogre Jail Break
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1110 points! :2thumbsup:
  11. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 9

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in anOgreWars battle = 200x2 =400 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars =30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and notcountable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Blue Ogre Jail Break
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Spiked Ogre Battles Forum Event

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200

    total 1080 points
  12. Wilder94

    Wilder94 Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 Points

    Playing any dice game on the forumbesidesOgre Wars = 30 points per day
  13. Day 9:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    We finally play Minecraft! - YouTube
    Going Off The Rails in MINECRAFT! - YouTube
    We BUILT the GREATEST thing in Minecraft - YouTube
    1.14 Villager Breeder & Auto Carrot Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 208] - YouTube
    Minecraft RTX - RTX On/Off Gameplay - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Asteroids
    Play Beast Castle
    Play Cannon Micro
    Play World Domination Battle

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Barber Shop
    Is it better for AE to add more permanent rares or no?

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,080 Points
  14. Ylber

    Ylber Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points (level 2, phase 1)

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    AQ3D Trivia

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Smash World is Amazing - YouTube
    The Most Cursed Smash Ultimate Stages - YouTube
    Using a Keyboard and Mouse on Smash Ultimate - YouTube
    J O K E R - YouTube
    Joker VS The WORLD - YouTube

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points
    aq3d meetup media
    battlefield 5 reveal trailer
    Ragnarok Jounrey Gameplay
    Toram Online
    [Anime] League of Legends

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points
    Smash Ultimate Tournament - Dexter (Wolf) Vs. ZD (Wolf, Fox, PKMN Trainer) S@X 316 SSBU Grand Finals - YouTube

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    how do you go to school
    do you have a catchphrase?

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Eyes
    Ogre Bowl
    Ogre Jail Break
    Zombie turkey hunt
    Find the blue moglin

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)
    100 meter dash
    play 1 in 24 survival
    1 starship
    2D knock out

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points: 1530
  15. Rex

    Rex Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Curse of the Blue Ogre

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Wolfenstein 2 - Switch - 2019-08-20 22-25-22 - YouTube
    Let’s Play Wolfenstein 2:The new Colossus - YouTube
    Wolfenstein: Youngblood benchmarks and performance analysis - YouTube
    Riverside Reach the Catacombs! Wolfenstein Youngblood 2 - YouTube
    Wolfenstein II The New Colossus The Deeds of Captain Wilkins Gameplay Part1 - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 points (Limit 4 per day)
    75 x 4 = 300 points
    How to win at card games in Red Dead Redemption 2
    Games for your iPhone, iPad, or Android Phone
    The Best Online Game Franchises
    Intellectual Benefits of Playing Online Games

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)
    25 x 4 = 100 points
    Play !Dots! | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1471 Renaissance (Timefighter) | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1 Starship | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1 in 24 Survival v2 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points
    SPY, S04, RGE & VIT | EUphoria Season 4 Episode 10 (Playoffs Special Part 1) - YouTube

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Do you have a catchphrase?
    Are you a patient or anxious person?
    What's it like for you to play video games for long hours?
    Do you have good eyesight?
    What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten?

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Do you think AQ3D will surpass AQW in popularity?
    How many DCs left in your account?
    Barber Shop
    Top 5 rarest items in AQ3D
    old chat box or new chat box

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Movie Soundtracks

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,680 points
  16. Chai

    Chai Ogre Hall of Fame Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Cold Chaos

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day - 50 x 3 = 150
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Lowest Level Zulrah - Lower The Better #9 - YouTube
    0 To 300B WITHOUT STAKING!! Ep #1 Ikov RSPS - YouTube
    Inside The Black Market of RuneScape Services - YouTube

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Happy Ogremas!

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Ogre Eyes
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Ogre Bowl
    Ogre Jail Break

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) - 50 x 5 = 250 Points
    Anime AMV/MAD/Songs Thread
    Custom Weapons
    AQ3D Screenshots
    AQ3D Characters
    In real money how much u spend in AQ3D?

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1030 Points
  17. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 9:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    CYG BST XP Chris T (Ken) vs XsK_Samurai (Akuma) - SCR 2018 Day 2 Top 32 - SFV - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Is it better for AE to add more permanent rares or no?
    Top 5 rarest items in AQ3D
    Do you think AQ3D will surpass AQW in popularity?
    What other special guests would you like to see in AQ3D?
    Do you die often?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    How many DCs left in your account?
    old chat box or new chat box
    Barber Shop

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Eyes
    Ogre Bowl
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Find the Blue Moglin

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100
    1 in 24 Survival v2
    1 Starship
    100 Meter Dash

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    (Hearthstone) The Quest for Tess - YouTube
    BIGGEST NERFS IN HISTORY OF HEARTHSTONE - Rastakhan’s Rumble Hearthstone - YouTube
    MIND CONTROL TECH DELETED FROM ARENA! - Rastakhan’s Rumble Hearthstone - YouTube
    Quest Shaman Evolution & Fleshshaper Sleeper OP? | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone - YouTube
    I Created An Endless Board Clear - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Are MMORPGs Still Popular?
    Analogue Games that Moved Online
    The Dynamism of Online Gaming
    Features and Qualities of Online Video Games

    Total: 1,680 points
  18. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 10:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Blue Ogre Jail Break
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1110 points! :2thumbsup:
  19. Wilder94

    Wilder94 Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 10:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 Points

    Playing any dice game on the forumbesidesOgre Wars = 30 points per day

    Issuing a challenge in Ogre Wars at Ogre Wars Challenges = 100 Points (only one allowed until accepted or declined)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
  20. Day 10:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Blue Ogre Jail Break

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    I Moved An ENTIRE Country In Minecraft - YouTube
    Minecraft NEW Ray Tracing RTX Mode Hands-On And Tested In Depth! - YouTube
    Minecraft - NEW! Bees, Bee Hive, Honey and Honeycomb! (Minecraft 1.15 Snapshot 19w34a) - YouTube
    Hermitcraft VI 129 | MY FIRST MINI GAME! ️ | A Minecraft Let's Play - YouTube
    Minecraft Snapshot 19w34a -- BEES! - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Bloons Tower Defense 1
    Play Mega Jump
    Play Nasty Ninja V2
    Play Ninja Mouse

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    AQ3D Trivia

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    AQ3D Artix's Golden Direwolf Armor
    Do you think AQ3D will surpass AQW in popularity?

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,180 Points
Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.

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