Nidalee is worst support you can play. Most likely all nidalee supports go full ap and you can't call that support she is gonna steal all of your kills and she doesn't have crowd control.
Nidalee is good supp. This is my main.. But, you will have good skill to play nidalee. She is very good champ for mid and also for support.
She is quite awesome support,but not in rankeds cuz u can get rekked,she cant go full supp and she needs kills to be quite succesfull
She is not that good as a support she has 0 crowd control , she is still viable beacuse of her poke and heal but there are much stronger picks for supports than nidalee
I think people started to play Nidalee support just cuz of Traps and they think they don't need any wards and heal. I don't like it and as veteran player I would recommend to play Thresh, Leona, Nami, Sona, Annie and so on
Leona and Thresh best supports that you can play this season.. Both are really good tanks, and have really good CC