Discussion in 'MOBA' started by Mordekaiser, Apr 14, 2013.
His ult is boring but u can one hit him he is uslees sucks....
haha on aram u can buy orical so he is no more op but on nomal games i hate him too
Op teemo everywhere
Dont vory !! RIOT WILL DELETE HIM !! ! i am only joking -.-
best item for teemo whats best item for teemo
Nashor's tooth
teemo spellvamp i think its good because poison..
teemo ap or ad build? Who is better build for teemo?
AP is better SHROOOOMS!!! >:O
AP is much better
Full ap for me
Ap sure ....
Hybrid teemo is better than both
captain teemo oooon duty
Nerf,delete! -.-'
I rly dont like him couse he poke and go back.You cannot catch him on top...
I hate him !!!!!
Teemo is op
i definetly agree with you