Not worth it, s much more expensive, better wait for sale, or you can buy a good two skins of 975 RP.
Everybody hates teemo!!! -.-
Everybody hates teemo!!! -.-
I bought Teemo before long time ago, and now i want to play him but lane is a bit problem. Most people are playing Teemo on TOP, but there are some others who play him as SUPP or even JUNGLE. So i wanted to ask you for an opinion : WHAT IS THE BEST LANE TO PLAY TEEMO ON IT ?
Well, first of all Teemo isn't good in any lane. Why? He isn't good enough for Top because he is squishy in late game and isn't useful in team fights. He doesn't have enough gank potential, so I wouldn't recommend him as jungler. Mid lane Teemo is only good if your team doesn't have enough poke and your opponent is AD. He could be played as Marksman only if Top Laner, Jungler and Mid Laner are AD Bruisers or if 1 of them is AP Bruiser. Support Teemo can be bursted down really, really fast, but I think he actually may be useful as support. If you really want to play Teemo, play him on Top where you can harass your match-up easily, but do it only if your Support and Jungler are tanky.
Still didnt try him, but he is OP support, just stay in bush and poke ADC, also u can hit him with shrooms so easy
I was playing Teemo long time ago... played when i was leveling... now i dont play it, easy champion...