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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. Webber

    Webber Ogre King Ogre Veteran

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    These games are still being played :D.
  2. Webber

    Webber Ogre King Ogre Veteran

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    Asura Force made the Showdown!
  3. El Monstro De Galleta

    El Monstro De Galleta Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

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    I think the almighty RNG is just random.
    I have been playing with the free WoWp premium the past month or and don't notice any difference. Sometimes I am stupidly aggressive and pay for it.
  4. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Winter Surprise Calendar 22
    Winter Surprise Calendar | General News | World of Tanks
    22nd December
    M22 Locust

    American Tier III Light Tank


    50% Off

    Visit the Premium Shop
    December has arrived and with it comes the holiday season! Later this month, we will be kicking off our huge end of year celebrations. Until that time, we thought we would get you all in the mood for the festivities by having a Winter Surprise Calendar for our Premium Shop!

    Each day, check in to find out what the special offer of the day is! Look forward to some great deals but be warned – they’ll only be around for a day each!

    The Winter Surprise Calendar begins on December 1st and will run every day until December 24th. It will change each day in the morning. If there is a special vehicle you have been looking out for an offer on, you may be in luck!

    Summary of the Winter Surprise Calendar so far:

    Day Package Bonus
    December 22nd M22 Locust 50% Off
    December 21st E-25 30% Off
    December 20th Excelsior 50% Off
    December 19th XF4F-3 & Gold 3 Days of Premium
    December 18th T-25 50% Off
    December 17th Churchill III 50% Off
    December 16th Gold & Credits 7 Days of Premium
    December 15th Sexton I 50% Off
    December 14th SU-100Y 30% Off
    December 13th T-127 50% Off
    December 12th Matilda IV 50% Off
    December 11th Gold & Credits Favourable Exchange Rate
    December 10th TOG II* 30% Off
    December 9th Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) 50% Off
    December 8th 12 Month Premium 15% Off
    December 7th Bf. 110C & Gold 3 Days of Premium
    December 6th E-25 30% Off
    December 5th T-15 50% Off
    December 4th Panther/M10 & Premium 30% Off Tank
    December 3rd LBSh & Gold 3 Days of Premium
    December 2nd Gold & Premium Account 10% Off
    December 1st Gold & Credits T1E6, Tier II Light Tank
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2013
  5. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Russian Q&A with developers from WG, done by EU player Silentstalker, on his blog "For the Record"

    - apparently, all tiers will have access to all maps in random in WoWp
    - apparently the smooth zoom transition in 8.10 is working fine according to SerB
    - neither water nor any type of terrain (on which the shell lands) influences the HE shell splash
    - Q: “I’d like you to explain why my arty gets too little XP. Please.†A: “How terrible. You’re welcome.â€
    - the Object 430 turret armor has no problems according to SerB (SS: a player complains that it now has the same vulnerability issues like the Object 140 had before the patch)
    - the difference between the two Japanese types of AP shells lies “in their constructionâ€, according to SerB

    From Overlord:

    - replays for WoWp are planned for version 1.2 or later

    Also, the new method for calculating whether the tank is OP or not proved so interesting I will make a summary post tomorrow about it.
  6. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    About the new method of evaluating tank performance

    Posted by Silentstalker

    Hello everyone,

    this post will be a bit complicated, so bear with me. Basically, a couple of Russian players came up with a new method of measuring whether a tank is overpowered or not (or even underpowered) than classic winrate with some sort of threshold. In the beginning, there was the post by Makkad. This player (LJ) referred to the recent Storm statement that T57 Heavy dropped significantly in winrate and thus doesn’t need to be nerfed. Makkad points out that it practically took a year of being OP to drop to reasonable levels:

    A year to discover whether a tank is OP or not based on balance alone is of course too long a period. What is needed is an indicator, that would show the tank OP factor directly after two or three weeeks. In the following part of the post, Makkad proves the fact that such an indicator can indeed exist.

    Based on this premise, Makkad makes another (possibly obviousy) statement, that the tank winrate depends on the ratio of good and bad players playing it. The quality of players playing that respective tank from its introduction shifts gradually: in the first week after its introduction, only extremely dedicated players will have the tier 10 tank, because they buy it for accumulated free XP. Here is the amount of T57′s played in time: in first week it’s only like 340 players with them, while by now there are over 130 thousand of T57′s on RU server

    Obviously the first ones to unlock the vehicle are very good players from top clans, but over time, as the vehicle becomes more popular, its winrate spread (when comparing it with players) will correspond the general skill spread of the playerbase, which looks like this for RU server:

    Thus it can be concluded that the ratio between good/average/bad players (furthermore referred to as GAB) does influence the vehicle winrate. That’s why the author suggests to use the corellation between the player winrate group and their actual winrate of the vehicle. For example, you take all the players with 52 percent winrate and check their average winrate on the vehicle you are trying to assess. You do that for several of the groups and the result looks like this:

    The horizontal axis displays the player group winrate, the vertical one the average winrate of that respective group on the assessed vehicle. The dotted line represents the average player winrate growth, while the solid line represents the vehicle. In this case, the vehicle would need a buff, because its winrate grows slower than the winrate of the player groups. This method allows to estimate much earlier, whether the vehicle needs a buff/nerf or not.

    On the picture above, the situation is not so simple. For bad players, the vehicle is hard to play and for good players, the vehicle is overpowered. In this case, the method could even help the developers pick, what to do with the tank. In order to make it easier for bad players to play it, you need to use straightforward buffs (such as armor or alpha increase) and to compensate it by limiting the maximum tank potential (which good players use), for example by nerfing DPM, camo and viewrange (those are the values a bad player will gain little benefit from).

    To summarize: by looking at not only at winrate, but also at winrate/player quality corellation, you can potentially reach more accurate results. In the comments to this post, Storm stated that he actually passed the method for evaluation to his statistic specialists, as he considers it to be a reasonable idea.

    The method is applied by another LJ user (Ivanerr) in his post as follows (based on public data from wot-news I assume):

    T57 Heavy

    Not imbalanced in general – noobs can’t play it, but it is somewhat OP in unicum hands. Ivanerr states that the point, where the two lines cross can be called the “OP point†and the lower it is, the more OP the vehicle is. Ivanerr also advises that the fact the OP point is 52,5 for T57 means that anyone with less winrate should avoid this vehicle, as that person will suck with it.


    The shape of the T57 graph (“noobs can’t, unicums can pwnâ€) also means one more thing: that this vehicle can potentially greatly influence the battle. AMX40 seems to be the other extreme case:

    The fact that noobs pwn with it but unicums don’t means one thing: this vehicle can do very little to influence the battle outcome. It’s a noob friendly vehicle statistically, but unicums will have a hard time influencing the battle with it.


    Using this method it shows that the Foch is a classic case of an overpowered tank. It has very low OP point, which means even noobs can use it to produce better results than what they usually have.


    Maus is an example of a tank, that is very lackluster. As you can see from the graph, it doesn’t really have an OP point, no matter how skilled you are.

    WT E-100

    While current winrate results according to developers do not warrant a nerf, using this method the vehicle is completely overpowered

    M48 Patton

    Using this method, Patton seems like a noob friendly vehicle, but it does require VERY high skills to truly pwn.


    Using this method, KV-1S is shown to be completely overpowered. It has a very low OP point, which means even total noobs can pwn with it.

    Rheinmetall Borsig WT

    Very, very imbalanced vehicle, it is almost completely overpowered.


    Slightly tiny little bit OP


    Nearly ideally balanced


    Not OP, needs a skilled player

    Jpz E-100

    Lackluster, just like the Maus

    Object 140

    A bit underpowered, needs a skilled player


    Mostly underpowered except for the best players using it


    Pretty fine, not imbalanced


    Quite underpowered

    FV215b (heavy)

    Pretty fine, not imbalanced

    FV215b (TD)

    Again, not overpowered


    Not overpowered, you need to be a skilled player to use it


    A little bit underpowered


    Has big potential for skilled players, but in noob hands it’s bad. Not overpowered.

    Object 263

    Pretty ok, not overpowered


    Very well balanced, neither OP nor UP

    113 and 121 (Chinese)

    Both almost ideally balanced


    And – IS-7, that is COMPLETELY underpowered

    Regarding the IS-7, Ivanerr has a theory about the influence of players unlocking IS-7 first while they are still noobs, but overall, the stats really don’t look so good.
  7. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  8. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  9. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    WoT - T110E4 - Lucky camper
    by:CatfoodCZ plays WoT
    WoT - T110E4 - Lucky camper / P
    Lakeville map can be a bit dodgy, when your team in city fell and your lemming in valley were stopped by 3 tanks on enemy base. Only thing you can do then is just camp a bit and wait for them to come to kill you ... or get killed.
  10. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  11. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    not at all
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  12. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  13. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    All depens of you. If yur good player you can even make kolobanov medal playing against 5 really good players. MM is a bullshit made by WG and nothing wont change it.
  14. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    How terrible your noob serb... FU WG !!!
  15. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    In my opinion GIMP but I've seen a lot of different opinions on this subject. Usually it comes down to what works best for you rather than which has the most features etc. They are free so I'd suggest just trying them and forming your own opinion.
  16. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    Yeah... me to :) Few tanksa re waiting for camo :D
  17. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    They must hurry but.... why?
  18. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    December 6th E-25 30% Off

    December 21st E-25 30% Off

    Strange ???
  19. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    In past weeks, we have been running numerous events, deals, and just plain cool stuff inside and outside World of Tanks. And we're not about to stop now.

    For the next four weeks -- December 16 to January 16 -- you can take part in a wealth of special in-game events in our biggest and best holiday blowout yet. Discounted tanks and items, experience bonuses, and plenty more. Hope you don't already have winter vacation plans.



    New Year's Discounts Part 1
    March of Nations
    Combat Mission Special
    Retrospective 2013
    Tanksmas Crew Party
    New Year's Discounts Part 2
    New Year's Tank
    Rocking New Year
    Be True to Your Crew

    New Year's Discounts Part 1: December 16-January 16

    In our first big set of discounts for the holiday, we're slashing prices on a variety of Garage and Crew-related items!

    Start Date: Monday, December 16, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Wednesday, January 16, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Garage Slots
    50% Off (Gold) Crew Training
    50% Off (Gold/Credits) Resetting Crew Skills
    50% Off (Gold/Credits)
    Crew Personal Data
    50% Off (Gold) Consumables
    50% Off (Gold/Credits) Barracks Slots
    50% Off (Gold)
    Premium Account (Gold)
    3 days for 350
    7 days for 680

    March of Nations: December 16-January 16

    The nations represented in World of Tanks all have their strengths and weaknesses, and are worth sampling across the board -- you never know when a new tank may be "the one!" In our March of Nations series, we both recognize the qualities of each nation, and offer sizeable discounts on many of their tanks, giving you a great chance to see what it's like on the other side, or pick up that tank you've been pining for.

    Start Date: Monday, December 16, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Wednesday, January 16, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Non-Premium Vehicles
    Tiers VIII-X: 15% Off (Credits)

    While this main March of Nations special offers a Credits discount on higher-tier vehicles, we also have separate March of Nations specials for every nation in the game. Get any non-Premium tank up to tier VII for a deep discount! Be advised, though, that compared to the above special, these nation-specific specials run for just a few days each.

    March of Nations: U.S.S.R

    Monday, December 16, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Thursday, December 19, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    U.S.S.R. Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: Germany

    Thursday, December 19, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Monday, December 23, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    German Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: United States

    Monday, December 23, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Friday, December 27, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    USA Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: France

    Friday, December 27, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Tuesday, December 31, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    French Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: Great Britain

    Monday, December 30, 21:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Saturday, January 4, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    UK Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: China

    Saturday, January 4, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Wednesday, January 8, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Chinese Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    March of Nations: Japan

    Wednesday, January 8, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST) until Thursday, January 16, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Japanese Vehicles (Non-Premium)
    Tiers I-V: 50% Off (Credits)
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off (Credits)

    Combat Mission Special: December 16-January 16

    This year, we debuted Month-Long Missions, and for the holiday, we have the biggest lineup of them yet! Harness your skills to earn tons of Experience, and you may wind up with a very useful new tank!

    Start Date: Monday, December 16, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Wednesday, January 16, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)




    Combat Mission

    Fulfill all of the objectives in the missions below.
    Once per account

    IS-6 IS-6

    Combat Mission: U.S.S.R.

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in Soviet vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.
    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI SU-100 SU-100 VI A-43 A-43 VI T-34-85 T-34-85 VI MT-25 MT-25 VI KV-1S KV-1S VI T-150 T-150 VI KV-2 KV-2 VI SU-8 SU-8
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: Germany

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in German vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI Nashorn Nashorn VI Jagdpanzer IV Jagdpanzer IV VI VK 30.01 (P) VK 30.01 (P) VI VK 30.01 (D) VK 30.01 (D) VI VK 36.01 (H) VK 36.01 (H) VI VK 30.02 (M) VK 30.02 (M) VI VK 28.01 VK 28.01 VI Hummel Hummel
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: U.S.A.

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in American vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI T21 T21 VI M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat VI M36 Jackson M36 Jackson VI M4A3E8 Sherman M4A3E8 Sherman VI M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo M4A3E2 Sherman J. VI M6 M6 VI M44 M44
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: France

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in French vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI ARL V39 ARL V39 VI ARL 44 ARL 44 VI AMX 12 t AMX 12 t VI AMX 13 F3 AM AMX 13 F3 AM
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: Great Britain

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in British vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI AT 8 AT 8 VI Churchill Gun Carrier Churchill Gun Carrier VI Cromwell Cromwell VI Churchill VII Churchill VII VI FV304 FV304
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: China

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in Chinese vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI 59-16 59-16 VI Type 58 Type 58
    3 Days of Premium

    Combat Mission: Japan

    Earn a total of 100,000 Experience in Japanese vehicles while placing in your team's top 10 XP earners.

    Random battles only
    Restricted Vehicles:

    VI MT: Type 4 Chi-To
    3 Days of Premium

    Retrospective 2013: December 20-23

    In 2013, Wargaming celebrated two big moments: the company's 15th anniversary, and winning the Golden Joystick Award for the second year in a row! As a means of reflection on those milestones, we're doubling Experience whether you win or lose!

    Start Date: Friday, December 20, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Monday, December 23, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)




    2x for Victories

    Win a battle.
    Random battles only
    Does not apply to "first victory of the day" bonus

    2x Experience

    2x for Losses

    Lose a battle.
    Random battles only
    2x Experience


    Crew Experience

    Tanksmas Crew Party: December 23 - January 2

    For the rest of December and into the New Year holiday, you can take advantage of increased Crew Experience.

    Start Date: Monday, December 23, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Thursday, January 2, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Crew Experience

    New Year's Discounts Part 2: December 25-January 8

    Equipment sale. Need we say more?

    Start Date: Wednesday, December 25, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Wednesday, January 8, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    50% Off (Credits) Camouflage
    50% Off (Gold/Credits) Emblems/Inscriptions
    50% Off (Gold/Credits)
    Premium Vehicles (Gold)
    Tier IV: 50% Off
    Tiers VI-VII: 30% Off
    Tier VIII: 15% Off
    Premium Account (Gold)
    180 Days or 360 Days: 15% Off

    New Year's Tank: December 25 - January 16

    Log in to World of Tanks between December 25 and January 16 to receive your New Year's gift: the Light Mk. VIC!

    Rocking New Year: January 2-5

    Happy New Year! Enjoy five times the Experience for your first victory of the day in any vehicle.

    Start Date: Thursday, January 2, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Sunday, January 5, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    First Victory of the Day
    5x Experience

    Be True to Your Crew: January 5-8

    After the victory Experience boost, we're activating a big boost in Crew Experience earned for a few days.

    Start Date: Sunday, January 5, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Wednesday, January 8, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Crew Experience

    Electric-Tank-a-loo: January 8-16

    As January rolls on, you can still enjoy increased Crew Experience.

    Start Date: Wednesday, January 8, 03:30 PST (06:30 EST)

    End Date: Thursday, January 16, 03:00 PST (06:00 EST)


    Crew Experience

  20. MMOWiz

    MMOWiz Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

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    can ogre change the settings?
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