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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Clan Wars Event: World on Fire – Winners Announced
    Clan Warriors,

    The fires consuming the world of Clan Wars have died out. During the 12 days of the World on Fire event, tens of thousands of players were fighting each other for their clan’s supremacy while setting the battlefields ablaze wherever they went. The competition was fierce and the combatants well-prepared. After almost two weeks filled with fiery battles of a gargantuan magnitude, which left nothing but scorched earth in their wake, the proud victors rose from the ashes to reach out for the winners’ title.

    Meet the winners of the World on Fire event:

    Eternal Flame - First Class
    [OMNI] Odem Mortis International
    300,000gold Award

    Eternal Flame - Second Class
    [FAME] Deal with it!
    200,000gold Award

    Eternal Flame - Third Class
    [UNICA] Unicums International
    100,000gold Award

    Also, please congratulate the following clans for their extraordinary deeds on the Event Map:

    Fire Storm
    100,000gold Award

    Raging Inferno
    [FAME] Deal with it!
    100,000gold Award

    [UNICA] Unicums International
    100,000gold Award

    Further still, these are the statistics regarding medals awarded to individual players:

    Fire Warrior
    77,000 awarded

    Rising Flame
    9,500 awarded

    Fire Tamer
    8,600 awarded

    Marked by Fire
    47,500 awarded

    Last but not least, we are happy to announce that the 6,000 players with the highest amount of Fame Points in the rankings will be also awarded the T23E3, a tier VII American medium tank.
    For more detailed information regarding the tank winners, please refer to the Alley of Fame.

    Congratulations to all the winners and see you soon on the battlefields!
  2. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Russian Q&A with developers from WG, done by EU player Silentstalker, on his blog "For the Record"

    - Storm confirms that the alleged 9.2 IS-7 DPM buff promise is a photoshopped fake
    - the feedback for 9.1 Test Hellcat and Jackson engine sound is very positive
    - the 300 meter sound radius (changed to 600 meter in 9.1) cannot be set via editing XML files
    - XP awarded for “tanking†(for potential damage)? “It’s not rumors, but I won’t give you any detailsâ€

    Storm explains the infamous “28 bots†video: “It was an staged battle after the restart of the server, where there were practically zero players online. They gathered a few people, they ran a few clients with bots and they entered the battle on the count of three. And they achieved such an effect. We banned the experimenters.â€

    - Storm confirms there will be a second round of the test
  3. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Russian Q&A with developers from WG, done by EU player Silentstalker, on his blog "For the Record"

    - switching the FV4202 for the Chieftain? What will happen to FV4202? Storm: “No comment for nowâ€
    - “everything is okay†with the alleged Wargaming anti-bot program
    Storm on optimization in 9.1:

    “Basic optimizations were aimed at removing freezis and FPS drops on weak configurations. General game performance shouldn’t change for the general masses of players. In the second test, there will be some additional fixes: fix of the FPS drop when switching to sniper mode on medium and low terrain settings, fix of the game performance when shooting automatic guns (this was added to test 1 patchnotes by mistake, it will change only in test 2)â€

    - there will not be any “new arcade mode freezes†9.1 fixes (SS: as in, there are apparently no “new arcade mode freezesâ€)
    - it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor

    Storm explaining the attitude towards FPS drops complaints:

    “What is valid are only the comparisons of the same replays with the same graphic settings on the same computers with the same way of recording statistics (for example with Fraps) and their comparison afterwards. Everything else is just talk. We, for example, compared in this way the performance on the computers of players from Minsk, who agreed to lend them to us to study the issues. The initial input was like “for me FPS dropped 2-3 timesâ€. After the research, the drop was on average no more than 10 percent. This can work the same way around.â€

    - the triple buffer issue was not fixed for now
    - according to Storm, the triple buffer issue has nearly zero influence on FPS, they discovered that after long testing
    - “confrontation†will return after its matchmaking is fixed
  4. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Russian Q&A with developers from WG, done by EU player Silentstalker, on his blog "For the Record"

    - according to Storm, further use of BigWorld engine very much has a future (SS: as in in WG games)
    - it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promisesâ€
    - developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one
    - Storm confirms that the patch frequency is one per 1,5 months
    - there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds
    - apparently there won’t be a third hangar for WoT
  5. mlaDJa

    mlaDJa MMORPGer

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    Shyvana and Renekton :D
  6. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Storm talks about 9.1 Test 2

    Source: world_of_kwg: 9.1,

    Storm is asking for Test round 2 feedback (performance, bugs etc) – he adds that the gun and Hellcat/Jackson engine sounds were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch. The feedback on the gun sounds is conflicting, for the engine sounds it’s positive. Wargaming will take these opinions into account when developing the game further.

    There is also a bug that changes the screen side ration, it will be fixed in the live server.

    From the discussion:

    - the 9.1 test sounds will be polished and they will return in one of the upcoming patches
    - more tank engine sounds than Jackson and Hellcat are being recorded
    - Storm states that the “moving corpses†bug was already fixed (players claim it is still there)
    - engine sounds for exotic tanks will be recorded from “a similiar type of the engineâ€
    - Storm doesn’t consider it a problem that the GPU is stressed in the new hangar more than in combat
    - Chat 2.0 – “medium perspectiveâ€
    - HD model mass-production system is not yet finished
    - the mechanism of automatic platoon searching is not being developed yet
    - the file “availablecontent.xmlâ€, that appeared in the test client, does not mean there will be DLC, it is tied to the split of the HD and SD client
    - the HB crew transfer without penalties “cannot be guaranteed for now†(SS: there was a plan for some of the tanks to act like “premiums†by being able to use crews from different tanks)
    - there is little data collected from the test on the 9.1 historical battles
    - reworking the decals and hit effects is not in near plans
  7. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    How the Super Pershing got that “Super” to its Name

    Source: ??? Pershing ??????? ????????? «?????» | ???????????? ??????? | World of Tanks
    Author: Andrey Upanov, pictures provided by Pyotr Bityukov

    Russian server had this nice article about the Super Pershing tank and its development by a Russian historian Andrey Upanov. Thought it might be a good idea to actually translate it. By the way, the article is partially based on Belton Cooper’s Death Traps, an infamous book, responsible for several of the nastiest American tank myths (“Shermans burned all the time”, “You needed 5 Shermans to kill one Panther”, “Sherman was a really bad tank” and others), so… I hope the author took this into account.


    In December 1942, the Americans, who fought the Afrika Korps in Tunisia, first encountered the new German armored “beast” by the name of Tiger. After examining the holes that the 88mm gun of the German tank left in the Shermans and Stuarts and finding out about the practical effectiveness of such a gun, the Americans requested their command to give them a vehicle with similiar characteristics.

    More armor, better gun

    Ever since 1942, the American tank designers worked on a line of prospective medium tanks T20, T22 and T23 with a 76mm gun. When they learned about the new German Tigers and Panthers, the designers increased the caliber of the gun and in the beginning of 1944, they released the new tank T26 with a 90mm gun and 102mm thick frontal armor for testing.

    Even as the T26 development continued, people in the American command structure argued, whether the US Army actually needs such a tank. Some generals, including the outstanding George Patton considered it pointlessly powerful. Their opinion was that tanks do not fight other tanks, that is the task of anti-tank guns and self-propelled guns and in order to fight the lightly armored targets and infantry, the 75mm gun of the Sherman medium tank is sufficient. On the other hand, other high ranking officers, such as general Jacob Devers, believed that the creation of a tank with a powerful gun and thick armor is an important and urgent matter.

    The arguing about the T26 continued until the 6.6.1944 European D-Day invasion. And here it turned out that the “good old Sherman” is insufficient against the Tigers, Panthers and German AT guns. The work on the T26 tank had to be accelerated. In February 1945, the tank was accepted in service, it was named M26 Pershing and in the same month, first pieces of this vehicle were shipped to Europe.

    However, the M26, even though it surprassed the Sherman in most characteristics, still did not reach the power of the German tanks. It was needed to create a heavy tank and even in the USA with their vast industrial potential it was not possible to do that quickly. As a compromise, it was decided to upgun the M26 by installing a more powerful 90mm cannon. After the trials at Aberdeen proving grounds, this tank was shipped to Europe and attached to the 3rd Armored Division.

    Belton Cooper’s “Super Pershing”

    In the beginning of 1945, major Harrington, the chief of the tank repair service of the 3rd Armored Division, summoned one of his subordinates – lieutenant Belton Cooper, telling him that he is the only person for such a project and to show him what he can do.

    (SS: there was a direct quote of Belton Cooper from Death Traps, translated into Russian – it would be stupid to translate it back to English and I don’t have the book, so I will transfer the direct speech into indirect by keeping the meaning).

    Harrington definitely did not want to lose the new M26 in first battles. He ordered Lt.Cooper to somehow improve the armor of the tank. The favourite American solution to hang whatever they could get their hands on on the frontal armor and when meeting a Panther and Tiger, to pretend that it’s just a bunch of sandbags didn’t work in this case: the gun was simply too telling. And so Lt. Cooper had to do something else.

    He recounts that in the well-stocked German repair shops, they found several huge plates of 38mm thick boiler steel and they decided to make the frontal hull armor as multi-layered. They did cut the two boiler plates into the V-shape, resembling the shape of the frontal armor. That’s how the tank was protected not by the basic 102mm cast armor, but also by two 38mm boiler plates with a gap between them. The Americans believed that despite the relative mildness of the boiler steel, the fact the armor is now multilayered and the angle of armor will force the German shells to ricochet.

    The improved armor added cca 5 tons to the weight of the tank, which wasn’t predicted by the original design. The rugged American torsion bars and roadwheels groaned and squeaked, but they held.

    Protective “helmet” for the tank

    But that wasn’t all! In America, they love the sport clashes with a prolonged ball, which they call “football” for some reason. One of the rules of the game is to protect your head by wearing a helmet. However, there were no helmets available to put on a tank turret. On the other hand, the Americans found a damaged Panther along with the aforementioned workshop. Cooper in his book described the modernization of the M26 turret – they did cut out a piece of the 88mm thick frontal armor from the damaged German Panther and they did cut it to the size of 150 x 60 cm. In the center, they made a hole for the gun barrel and two smaller holes next to it for the aiming device and the coaxial machinegun. This plate was then attached to the gun barrel and welded close to the frontal turret armor.

    Now, the M26 was well protected from the German shells in the frontal arc. It’s true that another problem arose: the mechanism, that was supposed to elevate and depress the gun barrel was not designed to move additional 650 kg of armor. As a result, only a memory remained of the elevation angle after installing this ad hoc spaced armor. The tank could drive and shoot, but only the ground in front of it.

    Belton Cooper remembers how they fixed this issue as well by balancing the gun by cutting a pair of counterweights from the 38mm boiler plate. This was not sufficient, additional counterweight was needed, so they did cut more 30 x 60 cm plates from the boiler steel and kept attaching them to the rear of the counterweight with clamps. By using trial and error method, they thus managed to balance the gun.

    As a result of these “fixes”, the weight of the vehicle was increased by 7 tons and the return wheels sunk 5 centimeters in comparison to the regular vehicle. It was obvious that the new vehicle wouldn’t have good dynamics. But at least the American tankers were happy that they finally recieved a tank with a powerful gun (even though it had a slow two-piece reloading process) and with good frontal protection.

    In the 3rd Armored Division, they called the improved tank the “Super Pershing”. According to Belton Cooper, this tank fought twice. For the first time, it was in the beginning of 1945 in Germany between Weser and Nordheim. The tank destroyed an unidentified armored target with its gun. In the second battle, the Super Pershing allegedly destroyed a King Tiger by hitting its bottom and causing an ammo rack explosion.

    Did you know that…

    - M26 was developed by the Americans as a vehicle equal to the German King Tiger
    - there was a plan to produce 1000 Super Pershings, but in the end only 25 were produced
    - the vehicle recieved its official designation T26E4 in March 1945
    - the thickness of the frontal armor without the additional spaced armor was 102mm, which was twice as much than the one of the Sherman, the most numerous tank of the Allies
    - the 90mm T15E1 gun was so powerful that during the testing, its shell penetrated the German Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer from the front, went right through it, penetrated the rear and exited the vehicle, ending in the ground






  8. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2014
  9. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Ok try this, Open the Minecraft Launcher -> Edit Profile -> Open Game Dir. Then click roaming and then delete .minecraft folder. Download a fresh launcher from Minecraft.com and run it.
  10. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Welcome to the forums :)
  11. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    Yeah, WOT is better , if i play something with tanks i will just play tanky online :).
  12. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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  13. lopobree

    lopobree Little Spike New Ogre

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  14. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    I like Koss, they sound good, have lots of choices in all price ranges and a lifetime warranty.
  15. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    I'm gonna have to try this.
  16. Someonex2000

    Someonex2000 DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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  17. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Welcome stay safe have fun:).
  18. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Year Made 1981

    Location New York City

    Person Hank Chien

    Score 1,138,600
  19. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    I decided to make trivia after my inportant tournament thats will be next week latest on Weednesday or maybie day more :).
  20. Someonex2000

    Someonex2000 DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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