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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. VannaVIktor

    VannaVIktor Elite Ogre The Pit

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  2. Peyp

    Peyp The Noblesse The Pit

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    I apologize in advance for wall of text, I like the theme of the thread.

    Agreed, there are some champions that I absolutely hate playing against, because, even if I have the right idea about how to play against them, if they get a bit ahead I'll need help from a junger, which I usually hate asking for.

    I don't agree with this one. You just have to bait it, or if you know that you'll be playing against champion like that take heal/barrier, and if you can't see (blind pick, ARAM, w/e.) counter build it.
    Fizz loses great deal of dmg if you can evade his jump and/or ult, so against him mobile champ would work the best, also Banshee's helps a lot, and for AP champ playing against him, get Zhonya's Hourglass and make him cry.
    For Fiora, she's fairly squishy, she has no reliable escape (Flash only, with long cdr). Her ult doesn't hit stealth targets (Akali in shroud for example, also Twitch, Vayne and Wukong for a short while), Zhonya's Hourglass also destroys her if you're on AP champ. Otherwise, armor and HP on tanks, hard CC makes her life miserable.
    Karthus that get's untargetable after death while casting spells for a short while and his ult...Then I ask support if I'm ADC to build Mikael's Crucible as it gives a bit of health back, if I'm on AP Zhonya's Hourglass the way to go, heal, barrier :)

    Those can only burst you to 0 hp if you get poked early or they got farmed/fed too early for you to counter build/play against them.
    Depending on what you play, if Annie uses her skill and stuns you, there are variation of items letting you escape from that (Mikael's Crucible, Banshee's Veil, Mercurial Scimitar, Mikael's Crucible, Zhonya's Hourglass) and Morgana's shield, and rarely used Cleanse. <-- Works for Zed's ult :wacky:
    About Fizz, build a bit of magic resist early, Abyssal Scepter should do. If you can evade his jump and survive Q and Lich bane proc, you know he has no escape for next 15+-3 sec. Make him pay for using his E whenever you can. Make jungler come, just to say "Hi" and bait his E/Flash then go at him. Same tactic would be for Katarina.
    Itemization would help against LeBlanc, but ganks won't do much, but in late game, if you/your team are moving in 2-3 people teams, she can't do anything about it. And pretty much anything scales better. Make sure she doesn't get fed early and she's useless. Same for Akali. Ah, and LB hates silence, especially if it's used when she'd like to recast her E. :D

    Same as playing against old AP Nidalee, dodge as much you can, and after first item go all in at them.
    Gragas now has pretty low dmg, and most of spam champs are weak against all out engages. What can Ziggs do to WW ulting him? Only jump away or Flash. Worst thing about Ziggs isn't his poke, but his fast wave clear tbh. But any of the previously mentioned champs (those that can 100 to 0 you) they are made to kill poke champs like this one. Right, Gragas, he has decent CC, but resistance provided by his drinking is short and has decently long CDR, aim for when it's on CD. It's same as tactic against Mordekaiser.

    As for lack of mana, it's to provide the longer staying and farming on top. Top is usually calm place, unless a jungler/mid-laner comes to get kills/assists and it's a competition of minion count. Also not having mana provides different style of play. Also, not many items that top laners build provide mana or mana-regen. They are mostly focused on tanking and having decent dmg (1 offensive item, max 2?, rest are usually defensive.). If Riven used her Q, W and E with R only once in teamfight and you all died, it wouldn't be changed by fact if she had mana there or not, it's her scaling/items/your defensive items, wrong focus, if she did it more then once, you let her live too long. As she got fed or farmed. Back to lane phase, Riven was(is?) the queen of lvls 1-3, then to 11 (or first offensive item), she's easily over-scaled. Any champion with silence makes her cry if she's silenced before 3rd Q (Ironically Garen, Talon would do nicely too), and I've seen some Vaynes and Quinns top that destroyed Riven regardless of having mana as a resource.
    About lack of sustain, that's just something Riot said to make her kit acceptable. Whatever. Doesn't really matter since she builds sustain. Anyhow, for early trades, she has Shield so she has some kind of sustain, that has to be times. It's a risk, and she should have some.
    Garen doesn't have mana for the same reason he has sustain, to stay long on top and push. His sustain also depends on enemy. Poke him and don't let his passive work. And he's kited easily.
    Didn't play Renek for myself, but for what I've seen, his early game is quite strong.On the other hand he has rage thing, that I'm not sure how it works. I'm skipping this one due to my lack of knowledge. Same for Rengar, but I'd say Rengar players need to think before going in. He's easily kited, squishy early and has no reliable escape except ult (Pink trinket upgrade, my best fried against Rengar/Akali/Twitch) and Flash. Also, he's in same position as Lb in teamfights. Strong in jungle, but later....

    Now, the only champion I see a problem with is Yasuo, simply because I have no idea how to get ahead of him and keep the lead. Even if he's 0/5 early game, he gets a SINGLE item (Static) and can farm to his heart content. 3 mins later he has IE. Then, in teamfight, if you're knocked up, you're dead. Yea, Morgana would work, any interrupt... But having almost 100% crit. with single item is a bit too much. Then those that are alive after ult, he just Es through them and poof, no more. I just don't like champions kit, and have no much experience playing against him with variation of champions. Maybe I'll get used to it later... Any help with this one? :bigcry:

    TL: DR I can find a way against all of those you mentioned, only thing that bothers me is Yasuo's kit. :toilet:

    Congratulations, you read it to the end (or did you?).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2014
  3. Peyp

    Peyp The Noblesse The Pit

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    Those should be made at Valentine,s Day, as that's their theme with Heartbreaker, but whatever. And they FINALLY switched their American splashes for Chinese ones. People have been asking for that since 2011 on their official forums.
  4. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    Special: World Championship Winner - Germany
    Special: World Championship Winner - Germany | Special Offers | World of Tanks


    The recent finale of the World Cup left us awestruck at the exquisite performances of the German national team which basically steamrolled its way to the final and eventually won the title of World Champions! As a result, we decided to change our schedule a little bit and dedicate this week’s special to Germany and their football team! Also, make sure to check out two special Premium Shop packages we have designed specifically for this occasion!

    Please, congratulate the champions and from Saturday 19 July at 07:10 until Tuesday 22 July at 07:00 CEST (UTC +2) enjoy the following in-game bonuses:

    Triple Experience for the First Victory of the Day

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    Up to 50% discount on camouflage patterns, emblems and inscriptions

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    Special Packages

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    Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f), German tier IV Premium heavy tank (for free!)
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    Gold: 2,500

    Deutschland is the World Championship Winner

    Double experience

    German vehicles of Tier V or above only
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    Only on vehicles which have already used up the First Victory of the Day bonus

    Win the battle
    Be in the top 10 players on your team by base experience earned (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings)

    Deutschland is the World Championship Winner #2

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    Win a total of 25 battles
    Be in the top 10 players on your team by base experience earned (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings)

    Party Pooper

    Double Crew Experience

    Tier V or above only
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    Destroy at least 2 German vehicles in one battle

    Congratulations to Germany, the new Football World Champions!
  5. BlackDayton

    BlackDayton DA BIG CLUB

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    Well its not that good for me only champ visual upgrade... No effects
  6. BlackDayton

    BlackDayton DA BIG CLUB

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  7. aleksandar1998

    aleksandar1998 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    Welcome to gameogre :)
  8. DesireSF

    DesireSF Banned

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    They fixed the launcher and numerous of new players are joining. We just need events like tournaments, campaigns, giveways, etc to help the game out a lot more. Did SplashFighters respond to you about you guys hosting some events?
  9. aleksandar1998

    aleksandar1998 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    welcome to the forum I'm from Serbia and I play league of legends my nick in SUCHOKLATES1996 and I'll add you and you accept :D
  10. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    Starting the Hearthstone stream tomorow, i think it will be good :).
  11. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    Hi guys,i will stream Hearthstone here Twitch . Feel free to discuss here about Hearthstone livestreams,game.

    Enjoy :)!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  12. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Weekend as in Saturday and Sunday or...? :)
  13. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Which site is that?
  14. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Top reward also sent:). Thanks to all those who participated.
  15. aleksandar1998

    aleksandar1998 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    welcome :D
  16. paksupro4

    paksupro4 Ogre Prince Ogre Veteran

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  17. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    Saturday mostly ,but it can be on Sundey if i can't get it in saturday ::)
  18. cemex

    cemex Espion Ogre Veteran

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    I think w3schools and codeacademy are best sites for learning programs languages
  19. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    first of all, id like to apologize for the not organizing the answer as well as you did since im not that good with all this 'quote' thing, owell.

    second, thanks for reading my wall of text and didnt really expect to see an even bigger one as a reply.

    now before the answers, you should know that i dont really have much trouble against these champions myself. over the years i learned to play defensively / passively and that helps me a lot against many of these champions that give you no room for evasion when they all-in you.
    and i dont really have THAT much problem against the champions i mentioned, i just find their kids kinda bullshit that's all. and since not everyone plays / thinks like i do, i see a lot of people having problems against them.

    and now for the answers:

    it theory, yes, you can zhoyna yourself out of fizz's and fiora's ult and tell them to **** off with a single click of a button, but in practice, it didnt really prove to be so effective (with me at least). the invulnerability mechanic isnt really THAT game-breaking, but it still makes up for quite a bit of frustration. ive seen fizz like 500 times just use lichbane and that dash of his to instakill my adc and just jump away like he was never even there, while we watch him do so, his team comes in and kills us. his staff-jump is basically a mix of zhonya and flash, mixed with his dash is really annoying as he can cover quite a bit of a distance that way and get to whomever he wants to.
    *im pretty sure we will talk about fizz a lot here

    there's a lot of champions that can 100 to 0 you when they are ahead and / or poked you a bit previously. but there are those that can do it with maybe just one item, if any at all. from the top of my head, annie, fizz, and lux. it happened to me a million times! they would hit you with maybe one ability, and then just instantly kill you the next time you get close enough. im fine with a champion that can kill you if they use all of their abilities, but it is annoying when they stunlock you and you are unable to react (lux and annie). i played against annie today, i had no problems laning (i was ahri), really, 0 problems, because i was standing too far behind for her to engage on me and their jungle couldnt gank me for the same reason. then later i played against fizz, again, no trouble on mid, BUT, he would occasionally stroll to my bot lane (that was kinda bad), and even when i pinged them to go back / warded the river / told them he is coming, he would just jump into the tower, instantly kill the adc, and jump away. at one point, tristana ulted fizz, jumped away, and flashed, and he still managed to catch up to her and kill her with only his dash and ult ffs...

    for the poke champions, my biggest issue is with syndra and her orbs of bullshit. someone may say that she takes skill to play, that she can be beaten if you got high mobility to dodge her skillshots, etc. from my experience, either every syndra player ever is skilled with her, or she doesnt take that much skill to play. here's the rundown of my every syndra lane matchup:
    i come to farm she smacks me with an orb every 5 to 10 seconds or so and forces me to go back while being too far for me to reach her and not really using up more then 50% of her mana. try as i might, i cannot dodge the spheres, no matter how much ms i have, even with 400+ ms, she just clicks on me and she hits me...and it hurts quite a lot too!
    her stun combo is just retarded, its range is ridiculous, hit box too, its hard as **** to dodge and its all it takes for her to kill me.
    even when the jungler comes to gank for me, she can just click R on me and kill me as she dies as the sheer amount of her ballz on the ground is enough to kill me if i have less than 75% of my health, its just retarded that's what it is.

    problem with ziggs is that he is just like, the safest mid pick ever so far (maybe im exaggerating a bit here but really) my grandmother can play him. it looks like he has no mana costs, and just spams all of his spells all day long, pushing and poking pushing and poking until he either pushes me out of the lane or kills me. and those mines he throws, they last like 5min! its retarded! malzahar's and morgana's pools are similar spells in design, but they dont slow you and deal one third of your hp in damage as you walk through them. a million times he would bar my path to the lane after i get the blue buff and i can do nothing about it.

    not sure about gragas, i havent played against him after his rework, but from what ive heard, its boring as ****. my friend played against him yesterday on top, he won top but i helped him with a gank or two. but without help, he said he wouldnt be able to kill him as he just sits in the bush and pushes the lane with barrels.

    thing is, mana is there to gate the power of champions. to see how much advantage having no recourse provides, try to imagine any champion with mana WITHOUT mana. see how important mana is? now, why the hell would you take that away from a champion? it makes no sense to me! i dont think there is a weakness that's severe enough to make up for it! if it was just about the manaless champions it would be fine i guess, but they put champions with mana at a great disadvantage when they are up against them because they will need to manage their recourse while the manaless champ can just spam abilities all day long cuz you know, no costs and all...

    there is a way to play against all these champs, sure, but their strengths are just too pronounced in comparison to their weaknesses. which brings us to the last topic, HASAKI...yasuo is just complete bullshit, like you said, no matter how far behind he is, with just one ult he can turn the game. and i see no safe way to play against him, everything about his kid is retarded, starting with the wall. the power in that single ability is enough to put it in line with an ultimate tier ability, what were they thinking ffs. it would be good if it had some sort of durability, like being able to absorb a few hits before dispersing. like you, i have no idea how to play against the guy, he is too mobile to be hit, if you manage to hit him he has his shield. everytime i lane against him he is just like, sliding around, farming like he's alone on lane, and pokes me with his sword whenever he feels like it. because of that shield he is able to mitigate most (if not all) the poke damage. i guess some top bruisers would do well on lane against him, but he is just utter terror for ranged champions. and the only weakness he actually has is that he has no escape if there are no minions present for him to slide over...
  20. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    I wana change my LOL acc name, but i cant remember a good one, i would be rly thankful if some1 give me some ideas or any tips so i can combine something, trying to remember good name few day but without success
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