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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. Dragan945

    Dragan945 I'm the Gamer ;] The Pit

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    Congratulations aki... Good luck ! :)
  2. Dragan945

    Dragan945 I'm the Gamer ;] The Pit

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    I dont now... what are you like ?
    My name is Lapis100 i was used that name from minecraft like a "lapis lazuli" to Lapis100 :)
    Use something from other game ... :pimp2:
  3. Dragan945

    Dragan945 I'm the Gamer ;] The Pit

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    That is for programers ?
    or code for games ? :)
  4. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    i would like something kinda funny and on same time kinda cool :D
  5. JaredOzzy

    JaredOzzy The Legendary Ogre Veteran

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    Really Enjoyed Uncharted series always and also Heavy rain was amazing!
  6. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    do you like names that when read aloud sound like something else?

    i got a smurf named MO LESTOR, like a first and last name.

    you go for something like SirGanksalot or SirTopalot, i dunno, its late and im not really thinking clearly, its been awhile since i named anything...
  7. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Ur on something there, am rly gona consider 1 of those mby on some combinations
  8. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    really? i can prolly think of more of those sir-something-alot and the full name ones if you want. its really no problem.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2014
  9. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    i like dat "sir" idea, i will see if there some1 else with some good idea too
  10. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    while you're waiting, here's couple more to tickle your imagination:

    k, i should really go to bed now...
  11. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    To be honest did read question but not text below, i agree on Riven and fizz, u just cant give them kill or they will snowball rly hard. Synda is also 1 of them and dont even need to mention Kasadin or Yassuo, couse dat is so obvious
  12. The bEst 98

    The bEst 98 Club Swinger

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  13. El Monstro De Galleta

    El Monstro De Galleta Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

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  14. El Monstro De Galleta

    El Monstro De Galleta Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

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  15. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Check pbe changes

    I hope dat this changes wont be done, otherwise BB Lee-sin and Lucian
    And by these changes they rly wana nerf early gameplay, to many spells nerfed at early lvls
  16. Peyp

    Peyp The Noblesse The Pit

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    Wall of text incoming! You have been warned! :D
    Should I put each piece in spoiler tag, so it'd appear smaller and less "Wally"? I take criticism, pretty please, do help me improve.

    All incoming Quotes are from Glorious.

    It's mostly just my preference to see stuff better when I preview what I wrote. Simple as that. :rolleyes: Doesn't really matter if you do it or not, as long as a wall of text is divided by blank rows I'm happy.

    I finally got a DISCUSSION that is not about having a mere post with 3 words in it, so it's refreshing and fun, thank you for opening a theme like this one. I apologize about the amount of text but it's worth talking about it.

    That's mostly because their knowledge and experience is lacking. They can't handle playing different style (as you said, passive) which comes from gaining knowledge from friends, streams or your own experience, and then, even if they know what they need to do, they panic and do what they shouldn't. Or are simply underestimating opponents. They will learn the more they play, guess you can't blame them. You can blame them if you try to help, but they just brush you off. Then they are just ignorant and deserve to be eaten by enemy. :devilish:

    I don't remember when I was a new player, and I have no recalling of me not being able to press right active. Please, do not misunderstand me, as I DO KNOW that not all people main support and have to handle bunch of active items in their inventory. I am sure I failed a LOT, but it's been a while since I've started playing with bunch of actives and I got used to it. I simply don't remember it the times before that. Anyways, I do know that timing is crucial and is not to be underestimated. Practicing a lot helps, but there will always be times when we fail, simply forget we have item, or get baited to use it for no reason. It is, however, doable.

    I'll try to cover everything I can about Fizz. Fizz himself isn't such a big of a problem, nor is his kit. You said bot completely ignored your pings and warnings and was sitting duck for Fizz. Would it be any different if Akali, Zed, Katarina, Ahri, whatever assassin went bot-lane in that instance? I'd say no, because your bot couldn't tell difference in lvls, items and sole dmg they and enemies can dish out. That is simply being ignorant and trying to play cool. If Fizz didn't get kills there, you'd crush him when he comes back, because he'd be a lvl and a half behind and midlaners scale with lvls.
    Fizz having his jump isn't the problem as long as you know he has it. If you try to CC him before he uses it, it's natural that he'll slip away, but if you let him jump (and you can see where) you can CC him then, for a price of 1/3 hp of his target. Cced Fizz with no jump should obviously be instakilled before he can dash/Flash whatever. It requires timing and team/duo coordination. Fizz isn't meant to be beaten 1v1 as he is assassin and it's his role to utterly delete someone in 3 seconds and run away safe. It's same with any assassin, but he has invulnerability that others don't. It just means you have to time your attacks better and target him first unless there's 15/1 in his team. If both he and his ADC are fed, something went wrong there. His early E's cost a lot of mana so he can't even use it a lot. And he shouldn't be able to farm at early lvls since he's melee, unless your midder is also melee.
    However, if fed, he can 1v2 easily, unless he misses both jump and ult, and as said in previous post, he snowball easily, but any fed midder snowballs hard. Fed Fizz isn't an better then fed Syndra, Tristana, Ahri and so on.

    Lets say I covered bot lane and Fizz there. You said it yourself, they were kinda bad. Zed could have dived and got kills too, so could Katarina and what not. Either they didn't time CC or had no HP to do anything with it. They should have recalled when you pinged Fizz was coming if they couldn't win with the turret over them.
    Lux is very stright foward, you get snared, you lost half, if not more HP. You evaded it, Lux lost half of hers as you're supposed to punish her lack of CC atm, her shield is a pain since it shields twice, so waste only AAs on it. I had my share of people wasting their skills on me as Lux, and trying to get shield off. While their skills were on cooldown mine obviously came up and it was end for them. It would turn out differently if they didn't waste it all. Also, Lux being skill shoot reliant, mobility works like a charm, and if she spams, she'll run oom quite fast. She has mana, she has weakness, she has no escape of her own and on top of that, she's squishy. I find rather fun playing against her.
    Annie on the other hand has her own problems. Her skill range is rather poor and to stack her stun she has to waste mana. When she uses Q to farm creep, trading with her is easily winnable as she just lost 60% of her early dmg. Laning against her isn't much of a problem since as long as you have longer range you'll win. She has no escapes but her stun and flash and is easily killed without them. Later AOE Tibbers becomes a pain, but Leona can do the same thing with slight delay. Yes, she can burst fast, mostly any mid-laner can with 2-3 items. But she has enough weaknesses to compensate for dmg she was given. If you get to bait or avoid her stun, she can't do a thing. If you survive her burst, she's a sitting duck for next 5-7 seconds.

    I find Syndras orb to be easily avoided as long as I get used to their range, as for stun, I make sure there are no orbs between me and her, they rarely waste their Q in front of you (between you and her) just to stun you, since it cost too much mana for the dmg dealt that way. Also I've only see one Syndra to hit enemy with orb, then pick it up and place it in good position to stun enemy after, it gives just about time to hit another Q while enemy is stunned making it mana efficient if done fast. About her ult, it's designed so that Syndra with max orbs placed has highest dmg output on lvl 6, and at that moment you're not supposed to win against her face to face, but rather outplay her, poke her and similar. She also has no escape and her W slow her down quite a bit. Her ult is not to be avoided, but rather you are supposed to not get hit by her other skills, making sure her ult doesn't KILL you. She's sitting duck after using all her skills.

    As long as you have bigger range (Yey, Lux) or hard CC and/or gap-closer it isn't half as hard. If he uses his skills to poke, he won't farm, if he uses them to wave clear, poke him/go all in and kill him. Yes, he's the biggest annoyance on mid lane as of now, but nothing less then Lux is. Unlike her, he has his jumping, but it has like 18 sec cdr, and if he uses it, he'll either have to use flash, have a bad trade that'll cost him later or die. And he's very squishy as glass-cannon. I'd say he has enough weaknesses for what he does. Unlike Yasuo if he goes 0/5 he's free kill anywhere, anytime. Also, his Q misses easily, and his ult is perfect time to use hourglass, gap-closer, dash, whatever. At least it's not instahit or half as fast as Luxes. If he blocks you way from blue buff 100 times, try taking a slightly longer route around. It's a pain, but it's a need too.

    His dmg is quite bad, and I mostly ignore him and get farm. If he spams too much, he runs oom, if he doesn't then he isn't pushing since his AA farming sucks. Hes more of a tanky CC machine later, early he's something I tend to ignore or try to win trades if he goes for me since it isn't so hard with his bad dmg. But I played against like 3-4 of them after rework, maybe they were just bad ones.

    Mana seems to be disadvantage at first, but do you remember urf? Manaless champions were OWNED HARD by mana using ones. I was thinking why I noticed that their skills scales better, have better CC or better overall dmg (Both single and multitarget). Katarinas base dmg sucks on Q W E, but her ult scales great. But all of Luxes abilities have good base dmg, and scale great into mid-late game, same for pretty much any mana user.
    Take Volibear and Garen on top, both build mostly tanky and have their natural sustain. Volibear has AOE slow and dmg, has a flip and great dmg to boost, even when building tanky. Garen with same items deals much less dmg, has only silence and his only good dmg source is ult on loooong cooldown.
    Try to compare Wukong and Riven with same items, and preferably played by players with same amount of skill.

    Back to my friend Yasuo that should be totally reworked. I was told to deny him farm. I never saw someone successfully do that. I was told that he's countered by Akali for example, yea... Then teamfight comes and 300 cs Yasuo comes in, and kills 3 people while Akali struggles to kill 1 person. He has no reliable escape, but why would he even need it? He can kill everything from 20th min onward, he can even 1v3 if he his Q for his ult. Dunno, just dunno. Sure I can play Morgana every single game and hope we finish them before they finish us.

    TL: DR - Delete Yasuo. :devilish: Rest can be dealt with.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2014
  17. Peyp

    Peyp The Noblesse The Pit

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    Considering how often Lucian can use dash now, it was needed to nerf it. And Lee Sin was too strong early, but I agree this is a bit too harsh. It'll probably show as PBE is testing grounds, same as how they are playing with Vel'Koz they will have to play with Lee. They nerfed the wrong thing.
  18. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Nah, I'm no stranger to walls or "novels" as Ogreman calls them when I send them to him xD Frankly it's absolutely fine the way it is. This thread is pure art, if some are too lazy to scroll then they likely won't add to this thread anyways... therefore can go fly a kite. This art shall not be hidden nor complained about.

    Beyond that great job guys :)
  19. aleksandar1998

    aleksandar1998 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    training :D

    Morning guys,i now go to traning :D i traning foodball...
  20. arZ

    arZ Banned The Pit

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    30 ogre coins for 1 poins ...
    300 ogre coins for 10 points
    3000 ogre coins for 100 points ?

    What you think ?
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