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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    Thanks Dragane :)
  2. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Welcome to gameogre! :)
  3. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    I voted for League of legends... :)
  4. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    I don't see any bigger nerfs to lucian, but to lee sin definitively... I doubt that they should continue nerfing lee, or no one will play him anymore.
  5. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Wooow, I don't even have time to read all this o_O. But I read the first post and I agree that fizz is pretty OP with his E and that he can burst down champions, but as you mentioned ziggs can be a pretty strong counter to him. Also some people say that ryze is his counter, which is completely false. If early game ryze (which are 90% of them) has little HP fizz will tear him down in matter of few seconds. In late game ryze can become more powerfull then him, but if you don't let him farm, he won't get anywhere. :) That's why when I play fizz, and I see that in ranked ryze locks in, I'm so happy cause I know I won atleast 90% of those guys. :) He is really powerfull champo, so IDK how riot doesn't see that, but hey, I don't mind. xD Oh and I read that you mind yasuo? He is also easy to beat with fizz, leblanc, zed, gragas, practically with anything. In midlane he is pretty weak, but in toplane he can do much more...

    Now lets talk about Gragas and Ziggs. They are both OP, end of disscussion, they can be countered like any other champion in game. :)

    And about riven, she can be really pain in the ass... But she can also be countered... Though if you learn to master her you probably will win and carry most of the games you play. The thing is, that every champion has got it's strenght and weaknesses. Renekton is pretty strong, I must say that, could be one of the strongest toplaners among fiora and riven. He can be also countered by any range champo such as lulu. For me rengar is weak since he tries to jump on me every time, and he dies... Nothing special in him. :) AAAND garen in the end. He has got damage just in his e that can kill you very fast if you aren't tanky enough. He is awesome tanker, and can escape/chase you pretty fast with his q. Also among all that he can lower your damage with w. And lets not forget his monster ulti. If you are tanker with low hp, be sure that you will be dead if garen has ultimate... :) But I don't know why is he so lowly played. On top of that he costs only 450 IP. So I got nothing else to say.

    PS: sorry that I didn't read all posts, and if I copied something, sorry. :/
  6. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    aaw, a moderator likes my thread, thanks for support aaddron! you da best moderator!
  7. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Just name yourself, IwillFeed... :) Best name ever. xD
  8. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    its fine, it takes patience to read through all of this, i dont expect everyone to have that. or maybe i just dont have anything better to do...

    i win games against fizz like 50% of the time, rarely i would lose mid lane because i play passively by nature and he cant get a good opportunity to kill me. but he would always manage to jump on someone and instantly kill them somewhere else, getting fed, and being able to kill anyone afterwards... if i get fed with ahri, i would still need to hit some skillshot to kill someone, he just clicks on the person he wants dead...that's from my experience, maybe a fizz main player can give me a valid argument why that isnt so, since i never played him, i just know from when i played against him...

    yea, its the same as a misconception about ryze countering ahri, i remember when i would pick ahri and the enemy would pick ryze 75% of the time and i would destroy him every time. ryze can counter ahri if he has lower ranger and she can poke him down so she can kill him with ult. but as ryze is, he gets stronger than most other mid laners because of his innate tankiness that rises from the items that give him damage.

    i dont think garen is broken, he's just fine damage-wise imo, i mentioned him because of his lack of mana AND built in sustain, because rito's main argument for manaless champions is that they 'do not have sustain' <- which is supposed to somehow cripple them enough to compensate for being able to spam skills forever. and renekton should be nerfed a little imo, he just has everything and is really well rounded up, making him the perfect pick for top lane. i very rarely manage to win lane against him.
  9. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    I voted for world of tanks :)
  10. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Yeah, love the titles though, especially "High Five". :p
  11. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Congratz Germany, now lets play the specials. :) I like the Deutschland is the World Championship Winner mission.
  12. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    My vote goes to Allods.
  13. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Need for Speed definitively. Best racing game EVER! :)
  14. ivekvv256

    ivekvv256 Ogre Legend The Pit

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    Enjoyed playing them both, but I'd say Borderlands. :)
  15. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    yours is nicely organized, colored and all, mine is just plain and blocky, so i try to divide it into parts. but i think i can figure something out as we go here, wont be the only thing i learn from your posts. many of the things you mention i usually already know, but some were so obvious i have no idea how i didnt figure them out. its always good to talk with someone outside the box.


    with time comes knowledge, and knowledge is power. but its funny to see people who play lol longer than you and still have no idea what they are doing while being sure they are good players...

    now, i think i shouldve mentioned that i play just 3-4 champions like 80%-90% of the time and if i dont play them, there are a few more i would play. so most of my experience for mid lane comes from me play ahri against someone, and so far i have only a few champions im having rather serious problems with here, namely yasuo and syndra (but ill get to them later). this season my most played champion is actually nami (guess i support a lot), and since i dont buy boots on any champion anymore, ive had situations where i would carry around 6 active items, so i know how easy it is to mix them up. but the 'zhonya stops their damage/renders their ults useless' statement is a bit over-exaggerated, zhoyna usually just delays the inevitable death unless you have:
    1) an escape plan
    2) waiting for cds to finish someone off
    3) your teammates are on their way
    for example, fizz / zed ults you, you use zhonna and deny them their ult damage, what do they do? they just sit on your face and wait until it wears off to kill you with other abilities.
    fizz / zed use their gap closers on you to engage, you use zhonya to evade the damage, what do they do? they just sit on your face and wait until it wears off and kill you with their ults and remaining abilities.

    im not saying that zhonya is not a good item, it just isnt always as simple as 'use zhonya and gg'. i've had situations where i would dodge certain death with its active, sure, but much more situations where i would just prolong the inevitable. there was a game i had against a fiora that got a bit ahead, she ults me, i use zhonya to stop the insane damage on me. what happened? she just appeared next to me when zhonya wore off and used her dashes to catch up to my flash and killed me off all the same...

    well, i think fizz scales a lot better than ahri for example + he merely has to click on someone to take away half of their health, ahri needs to hit some skillshots. as for that situation, i can see how they couldve escaped from zed, katarina, and syndra. i mean, we're talking about a knock back + jump + flash, that's a lot of distance put there. owell, i guess it also couldve been the same seeing as how they were pretty bad. but i really consider it a broken ability to be able to dash + be invulnerable. there are many many many dashes in the game, and no matter how fast they are, you can still manage to hit the enemy while he dashes. i had a few situations when i would catch leona in a bubble with nami while she was mid-dash (her zenith blade thing). and its really hard to hit him after he jumps off because he is instantly going to use his dash attack to cover yet more distance. its a nightmare for skillshots. targetable abilities are God-sent here.

    well, i cant really use those weaknesses if im dead in a second i take a wrong step can i? lux is a pretty safe pick for mid imo, she has long range, good damage, and despite her lack of escapes she still has a snare, a slow, and a shield - that pretty much puts her way ahead of lets say, twisted fate, who cant afford to push without wards as he is a sitting duck. its strange i dont see her anymore thou, there was a time i would see her in almost every game.

    please tell me how you do it! how do you dodge that bullshit?? i can try to take note of the position of her ballz not to get stunned by them, but the hitbox is so dumb i get hit even when the ball goes right past me! its annoying as ****, that what it is! and i never see syndra run out of mana. i cant be passive as she has long range and still manages to harass and push me out of the lane, yet i cannot be aggressive as she is stronger than me. how am i supposed to play against that??

    ziggs isnt really a problem for me, i just find him VERY safe on mid and that's what bothers me. i think there should be no champion you can pick and play him the same every time and be completely safe. i mentioned i can play against almost all champions with ahri with relative success, but i dont play the same against all of them. ziggs just farms all day all the while poking you from safe distance while never running out of mana. i dont think he has too much damage, imo his mana costs are too low...

    i guess i will need to wait and see, gather more information on fatty. i dont watch lcs or streams, i just know that when something new comes up (gragas top), someone played it there, which in turn means it is strong in general. now, i heard a lot of people complain how he is very annoying on top, much like ap trynd was. personally i havent played against him after rework, i will have to play at least a few games and see for myself if the rumors are true.

    as i told to ivekvv256: 'i mentioned garen because of his lack of mana AND built in sustain, because rito's main argument for manaless champions is that they 'do not have sustain' <- which is supposed to somehow cripple them enough to compensate for being able to spam skills forever'. it kinda bothers me you know, i seriously dont see any reason to remove mana from any champion unless you are going to replace it with some other resource. they are a real pain against champions with no sustain as they would harass you infinitely until you either die or go back.
    after losing a 100 times to riven top, i learned how to play against her somehow with either irelia, vi, or kayle. the manaless champion that maybe bothers me the most is renekton. he seems to have great base damage, built in sustain ofc, and builds tanky on top of it. i can just never beat him...

    i like how people tell you something like 'deny him farm', let me see you do it first! there are several champions that are somehow really strong against him, but that does not change the fact that he is immune to falling behind like all other normal champions. no reliable escape doesnt really count as a weakness when you can annihilate at the very least one enemy before you die...
    he pisses me off every time i play against him. even if my jungler camps him and we keep killing him, i still dont feel like im gaining an advantage because when he comes back to lane, he can still kill me just as easily as before i got my extra 300gold.

    pretty much...
  16. cemex

    cemex Espion Ogre Veteran

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    i enjoy more in nfs and nfs is my choice
  17. cemex

    cemex Espion Ogre Veteran

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    I prefer borderlands
  18. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    That slow reduce was rly good tool on Lucians E, make him rly safe, but now with changed ranged i just dont belive that we will see him dat much, and lee will be like vlad or eve before rework, rito nerf them so hard dat they are almost useless and no1 didnt play them
  19. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    League of Legends :).
  20. Glorious

    Glorious DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

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    oh and i forgot to add:

    recent champions (braum and yasuo) have too good of a kit for it to be well balanced. i think that's the key problem with the newer champions. when you compare taric to (for example) thresh, taric has heal and a stun, tresh can hook, push, pull, slow, shield, and help you escape from impossible to survive situations. newer champions can just do too much compared to the old ones...
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