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Triple Triad forum dupes - please ignore

Discussion in 'Triple Triad' started by vyeh, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. kabbatsoo

    kabbatsoo Giant Eater

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  2. El Monstro De Galleta

    El Monstro De Galleta Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

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    T-34 was a great tank early in war but got eclipsed as war progressed. They also had to carry extra.transmissions because they would blow them so frequently.
  3. FoxWMB

    FoxWMB Clubbed The Pit

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    I don't care if they make it a tier 1 and put a gun that doesn't fire shells but instead little flags with "BANG" written on them, I just want my t-50-2 in my garage, not some stupid and useless replacement.

    Anyway, about the video, it's obvious they tried hard to make brit SPG's interesting to play with, and the new map... well, it reminds me a bit to Komarin, and I do like the idea of some tanks starting in an attacking position while some in defensive, if that's done right, the battles could be very interesting. On the other hand, if team 1 gets much stronger attacking part of the team to team 2, battles will last 2 mins on average so if this was done wrong, the map will suck. We'll see how it is soon enough I guess. I hope for the best, but knowing WG, if there's a way to screw it up - they'll do it :rolleyes:
  4. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    code sent on PM.

    also take a look at World of Tanks Full Circle Event http://www.gameogre.com/forums/world-tanks/35209-world-tanks-full-circle-event.html
    We have every mounts contest in world of tanks with prizes 10$/20$ and forum points (when you reach the Royal Ogre status and the needed amount of points you can buy here on forum shop ugc card)and with that ugc card you can go to wot shop and buy gold or premium staf
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Is it easy? One of the new games will be in that. I may have to learn it myself to add to the game:).
  6. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Hmmm, might have to make one for Arcade tournaments if we don't have one already.

    Well, we can offer points for testing and coding a game:). Not sure about the MUD unless somebody wants to tackle that.
  7. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    And like on all maps in game tomatos will camp on this one too. Event in positions of attack :D
  8. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    I must say that Sherman was better in the absence of failures. Most of first T-34 and high % of older tanks were left on the battlefield because of defects. Shermans not. The best exampe for that are situations when Shermans from land lease that were used in USSR army were delegated to the main action behind enemy lines due to high reliability.
  9. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    Anybody know the weight of new update? How many Mb?
  10. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    Due to technical limitations, and the imminent arrival of the 8.7 Update, we are forced to end Stage IV (ending our first Campaign) after battles conclude at 05:15 PDT (08:15 EDT) on July 26, 2013.

    In order to align with the Global World of Tanks community, we must patch Clan Wars in preparation for the time in-between Campaigns. Since we are shortening Stage IV, we will reduce the number of required battles to qualify for rewards in Stage IV to three, instead of five battles.

    The standings for Stage IV and the Campaign will be locked at 05:15 PDT (08:15 EDT) on July 26, 2013. The regular sandbox mode will unlock at 05:15 PDT (08:15 EDT) on July 30, 2013. The standard Clan Wars rules will apply until we return for the next Campaign.

    We deeply apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. We hope you were able to enjoy the portions of this Campaign that ran relatively smoothly. We appreciate all of your feedback and support for this event so far.

    Clan Wars First Campaign Ending July 26 | Clan Wars | World of Tanks
  11. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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    This week’s Clan Spotlight will be on [RDDT], Reddit. [RDDT] is a group of players from the reddit.com community that have joined together to fight in Clan Wars. Since the group was founded two years ago, they have expanded to a total of 13 Clans on the North American server (and a few on EU/SEA too), and have just recently reached 10,000 subscribers to the World of Tanks sub-Reddit.

    We interviewed these people to learn a little bit more about Reddit, and its many divisions.

    Ledif [RDDT] - Commander of [RDDT]
    Bryant21 [RDDT] - Deputy Commander of [RDDT], helps run WoT Sub-Reddit
    Vorkosigan [RDDT] - Battle Caller/Strategist/Field Commander of [RDDT], former Commander of [RDDT]
    DamienJax [NARWL] - Commander of [NARWL], former Commander of [RDDT], helps run WoT Sub-Reddit

    RDDT has kindly volunteered to answer questions from the community for a few hours following this post! Please visit the extended interview thread to ask any questions. So if you want to pick their brains about Clan Wars, Clan development or whatever now is your chance!


    What do you consider to be your clan’s greatest achievement?

    Vorkosigan - Not falling flat on our face.

    DamienJax - Yeah I think most clans that have been around this long generally implode at some point but we have been lucky enough to be around for so long and have so many different commanders and still keep the same philosophy going.

    Ledif - Our success thus far in this campaign and throughout the campaign has probably been one of our greatest achievements. We had a rather hard time with the Rise of the Americas event which is fairly similar to this campaign. I think that drove RDDT to really try and get our stuff together for this event. Seeing our success has been very rewarding.

    When and how did your clan form?

    Vorkosigan - RDDT has been around since the game started but it was sort of a social clan until, December 2011, Damien, myself and TransparentTape, started getting things a little bit more organized, and started kicking out people out who weren't showing up. Started doing things like actually training and then in February 2012, we began landing in Africa and we started winning.

    Bryant21 - We have 19 clans, 5 on the European server, 1 on SEA server and the rest are on the North American server and they are filling up. What we try to do, and this isn't entirely different from other clans, is basically host a Teamspeak where anyone can get on, we don't really care about your player skill and you can hang out and talk to people and just get some good advice. Play with people, and I mean that's how I got into the game. I jumped on and said "hey can somebody platoon with me please?" and now I'm running things!

    How is your clan structured? (ranks?)

    Ledif - Within the clan, we have 3 deputy commanders and myself as the commander. I would say that these are the people that lead the clan. They make the decisions, and handle most of the diplomacy and talking with other clans. I think that is an important point because when you are dealing with other clans you have to be able to make the decision. Having someone who is just running errands back and forth between clans, while convenient for the commander and deputy commanders, so they don't have to deal with that after other things, is not really practical. You need to be able to say yes or no to something.

    Vorkosigan - Then the field commanders are usually the people who get down and dirty making strats and actually calling battles.

    Bryant21 - I think that is something a lot of smaller clans don't realize. They think they can have 1, 2, or 3 guys who are going to do everything and lead the battles, talk to other clans, etc. but the hours rack up. It is difficult for one person to do. I mean if you have to time, great, but for most people it is going to be a little too much.

    DamienJax - RDDT is also distinguished in its democratic process. I mean the regular membership has a lot of say in what goes on. A lot of clans are generally top down and you do whatever the commander says. As far as Reddit goes, membership is very vocal when they don't like something.

    What have you learned about Clan Wars and maintaining a clan that you wish you knew when you started?

    Vorkosigan - The 'don't it all yourself thing', which I tried, and burned out on tanks completely for a good 3 to 4 months

    DamienJax - Yeah, I'd say that is a big aspect is trusting other people to handle issues.

    Vorkosigan - Separating the actual strats and battle command vs overall diplo command is an important aspect I wish I had known.

    Ledif - Practice is something you are going to need to do if you want to get better.

    Bryant21 - Back when we were starting we had to practice so much.

    What was your favorite stage of the first campaign?

    DamienJax - Tier X!

    Vorkosigan - I actually liked some of our tier 7 stuff. Simply because I got to use 6 M40/43s on a map all at once. (before the last patch)

    DamienJax - Stage 3 is a little more stressful for me, obviously if I lose the landing zone, which I did, it can really impact my final Victory Points. I'm looking forward to stage 4 though.

    Bryant21 - Stage 4 should be a blast I think.

    What was the toughest/most exciting clan battle your clan has had?

    Ledif - There were some close fights on our landing zone during the first stage. Turned our we really needed to keep holding that Landing Zone and it was good that we did.

    Bryant21 - Wasn't 13 to 15 the final call on one of them?

    Vorkosigan - I believe that was Death from Above.

    Ledif - It was tier 4 I think, it was very close. A lot of hoping our Hetzer hiding in a bush was able to reset our cap and shoot some stuff and not get spotted.

    Bryant21 - I think from the overall campaign that was probably the closest win that we have had.

    Ledif - Absolutely, that landing zone match was the hairiest and boy that.... glad that we won.

    Anything else you would like to add?

    DamienJax - People should visit the sub-Reddit, they don't have to join a Reddit clan but the sub-Reddit has a lot of good, thoughtful conversation.

    Clan Spotlight: Reddit | Clan Wars | World of Tanks
  12. PolanWalker

    PolanWalker Ogre Hall of Fame The Pit

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  13. yesty456

    yesty456 DA BIG CLUB The Pit

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    I'm curious on how it will rank against Chaos Online (another korean MOBA)
  14. FoxWMB

    FoxWMB Clubbed The Pit

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    Oh yeah, that's what scares me most really. Most of the maps are extremely enjoyable when you have a good team, but how often does that really happen. I'd say, not often at all unfortunately :\
  15. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  16. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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  17. ufbre

    ufbre World of Tanks Fan Ogre Veteran

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    WoT - T-54 - 4 members platoon
    by: CatfoodCZ
    WoT - T-54 - 4 members platoon / 4-
    When our already a bit OP platoon (T-54 + 2x T54E1) gets one additional T69 from our clanmate it became absolutely OP thanks to our cooperation via Teamspeak. It did looks like we are going to lose thanks to our team lemming train on hill. Luckily our platoon was able to clean up hill and get back to defend our base.
  18. El Monstro De Galleta

    El Monstro De Galleta Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

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    Did that T69 randomly get put with you guys? If so, nice. That would be so op.
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