in this case trista is x3 times better then cait. Even cait has bigger ranger at lower lvl's tristana can easy eat her for lucnh at lvl 6. Im playing her every time some1 take cait. Why ? Answeare is simple : i can do pokes as much i as i want with my E, i have better escape with W and more dmg then shes E, and bigest advantage of Tristana is her ulity R no cast time insta DMG . So if u get in fight vs cait on lvl 6 ure winer for sure, cast Q ---> E---> range attacks---if she try to escape W ----> finish her with R Peace !
After latest changes i like trista more, higher burst, one of the best turrent destroyers. Also trista is the most safest adc to play jump to get away and ulty to push away enemies
Right now,i would vote for cait,i see her more often,her traps are really strong,can zone out whole baron pit and drake pit,so,im voting for her
Tris is good for taking turrets, but cait is strong early game. i would pick tristana,she become much better when she buy 2-3 items