Being in beta phase you don't have too much things to base on if anything, I can say Grinding in this game doesn't feel as bad as some game and I like some design they did in some aspect, overall experience with the game if you don't count the bug if anything it's nice. There's allot of more things I can comment on truth be told, but I'm not trying to review the game here because there's allot more cons than pros here, but I'm pretty sure everybody knows that but again I know it is in beta.
I really like how this game gives you a experience to explore all over locations, that's the reason that I come back to play something related to aqw. :V
Even though the game is in beta it is already a great deal more comprehensive than a lot of other games out there. I am looking forward to seeing years more content from them.
Meeting new people who just wanna mess around and pass time. I think it must be even more impressive for new players as it's all new to them, must be amazing to experience the game now as a new player
I love being able to meet new people on the game. Sometimes we do need a break from reality to be elsewhere, and talk about things we normally cannot do in real life. But aside from that, I enjoy AQ3D very much.
I hope new players feel as welcome as I did early on. It is nice to see higher leveled players helping new players. One of my favorite things about AE games is the community atmosphere we all have.
The problem is what game are you comparing it with? I understand that there are allot of broken games out there and I do know there are some games worse compared when they were in beta, but I won't say much I am enjoying the game that much is true, and I don't want to talk about the bad things considering this about what's the favorite things you like than what you feel about the game.
For me it has to be the easy controls. You can move using your left had on your mobile device while looking around and attacking with your right. Also the seamless moving around in the environment is another great bonus.
I like how its a multiplatform game ykno? I play on my phone wheni hav the free time and its really a time killer. Sure everyone may look the same cosmetic wise but its still in beta and theyre coming out with new content which im looking forward to. In the meantime i usually ust farm gold (700k atm 1m goal *couth couth* im bragging) for future use because wow was the slayer set pricey.
I like the designs.... Except the time when everybody's face in the guardian tower kept... Falling off lol. The background is amazing, the character designs are fun. Monsters look awesome and the items... It's hard to decide what I wanna equip haha.