In this match-up, Volibear would probably win, but... Xin Zhao is much more effective than Volibear for getting objectives and visiting lanes... so.. Xin.
Xin has no way out when he goes in, that is his main weakness, so if he dint get fed early we will be so useless, Voli is rly good tank, its so weird that we dont see him more, so i think Voli is much better, less risky champ
Xin Zhao because of early ganks. Xin has more damage and Xin can be tanky as well. He needs devouver and maybe BotRK and he has so much damage. Voli is good as well but i would choose Xin Zhao.
Xin is one of my FAV killa from early to late game can be very offensive. Also everybody scares to be close to him...